Shame, classism still define ganja smoking - Usage still linked to poor people

Erica Virtue, Senior Gleaner Writer

Jamaicans still 'look down' on individuals who smoke ganja - relating the activity solely with the poor and underprivileged.

Advocates for the decriminalisation at a recent Gleaner Editors' Forum said it was unfortunate that the image of ganja users has remained the same for years, when usage cuts across all social classes.

Long-time ganja advocate Paul Chang, chair of the Ganja Law Reform Coalition (GLRC) said there was still too much shame associated with ganja usage because there are too many misconceptions about the narcotic.

"I came into this as a reformer. I believed that the law is wrong on ganja usage so I decided to work to change the law. But there is still shame associated with its use," Chang told those in attendance at the forum.

He expressed disappointment that decades after advocacy and with the body of science now available, there was...

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