Ordinary Credible Criminals

Norman Baker MP has taken the unprecedented step of calling for a rethink of the medicinal utilisation of cannabis. Never before has the UK spoken in such unbridled terms. The government, however, wasted no time in reaching for the stock reply: "We have no plans, *insert generic harm statement* we're winning the war on drugs...blah..." - Basically, any homogenised scrawl will do. We're now at a point where we can have sweepstakes and buzzword bingo based on the Home Office's vapidly generic response.

So, where to start? How best to address a genuinely tricky subject such as medicinal cannabis? Should I throw up a thousand dry and chewy references to peer reviewed studies? I probably should, but from experience it doesn't tend to go down too well. Do we unpick the stitching of the political arguments? This will take more than a blog post to achieve. This then...

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