Right, wrong and weed: The ethics of legal marijuana

Step back from legal wrangling in statehouses or think tanks firing off white papers about drug policy laws. What does it mean to use marijuana?

Save Socrates’ experience with hemlock, Central Washington University philosophy professor Matthew Altman joked, there’s nothing in classic philosophical writings about substance abuse. And no one talks about smoking pot in the Bible, said Pastor Don Green.

So is it wrong for an individual to smoke pot? The Daily Record asked a few locals who think about right and wrong professionally for their thoughts:

Matthew Altman, chair, CWU Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

What’s legal and what’s moral aren’t the same thing, said Altman, the chairman of CWU’s Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies.

Speaking broadly, good ethics implore us to follow the law, barring a very good reason, he said. That Washington state chose to legalize marijuana removes a large piece of the equation...

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