Ohio questions: Whether to legalize marijuana, and how

Should Ohio make marijuana legal, for recreational as well as medical use? In principle, I’m inclined to believe it should, although I don’t — and won’t — indulge.

Is a proposal that is likely to appear on the statewide ballot this November, after years of other plans that failed to qualify, the best way to prepare Ohio to become the fifth state to legalize marijuana fully? That’s a different question, and one that Ohioans will need to examine carefully before we vote. We’ve got plenty of time to decide.

I met last week with leaders of ResponsibleOhio, the group promoting an amendment to the Ohio constitution that would legalize and regulate marijuana. They assert that their plan would boost tax revenue by a half-billion dollars a year, create more than 10,000 good-paying permanent jobs, protect public health by subjecting legally sold marijuana to rigorous testing, and deny money and power...

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