Sat Maharaj: Let’s talk about ganja

Secretary General of the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha, Sat Maharaj, is calling on Government and the relevant authorities to begin discussion and seek public referendum on the pros and cons of decriminalising marijuana.

The outspoken Maharaj said members of local law enforcement spend a lot of time carrying out marijuana eradication exercises and searches of persons for small amounts of the narcotic who are prosecuted and sent to jail.

He said the State could save a considerable amount of money if marijuana is controlled to a certain extent and he believes it will auger well for the country. He is also of the firm belief that alcoholism is far more detrimental and is causing families to break up, children to move away from being upright citizens and the Maha Sabha has taken note of this.

“My view is that at this point in Trinidad and Tobago alcoholism is more destructive...

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