How Catalonia Became Spain’s Laboratory for Smarter Drug Policies

Should we regulate cannabis and, if so, how? While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, inspiration for answers can be found in the stories of communities that have dared to try something different. Catalonia, an autonomous region of Spain, has created health- and rights-based drug policy that not only reduces the harms of drugs, but also creates new opportunities for public health, security, economic growth, and a thriving civil society.

Innovation Born of Necessity: Pioneering Drug Policy in Cataloniaa new report published by the Open Society Global Drug Policy Program, tells the story of how Catalonia implemented a community-driven, public health–centered approach to its heroin epidemic and created a new model for legal cannabis consumption. These unique approaches were driven by Catalonia’s fiercely independent spirit, strong sense of personal rights, and decades of experience organizing outside of the state structure.

In Spain, drug possession for personal consumption has never been...

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