Israel: Thousands of patients swear by cannabis drugs

Medicinal cannabis is controversial, in Germany there are many caveats. In Israel, more than 20,000 patients receive such products - including children.

It started when Jali was four months old. The boy squirmed under convulsions, muscle twitching. The epileptic seizures occurred in the following years repeatedly, often several times a day. In order not to get hurt, the child was wearing a helmet. The parents lived in constant worry, the two brothers felt neglected. "The disease had determined our lives," says mother Jael Bracha.

Today Jali is seven years old - and symptom-free. He owes it apparently to an agent that is illegal and controversial in many places: cannabis. Three times a day Jali gets several drops that contain the active ingredients tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). Since the start of therapy he has not had a single attack, says the mother.

To the medical use of cannabis, many worrying myths mix...

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