Should Canada Take a Public Health Approach to Cannabis Legalization?

One of the most popular topics on the 2015 elections agenda is legalization and cannabis is by far the most widely used illegal drug in the Canada. The interplay between potential legalization models and our current federal medical cannabis system, the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR), is important because it will probably shape the direction legalization takes in Canada. Our federal system is unique globally and over one year later, has some important big name interests vested within.

It's certainly no secret that Licensed Producers (LPs) of medical cannabis have had this recreational market in mind. With massive facilities, sophisticated surveillance and technology, alongside experience moving through one of the most complicated and drawn out licensing processes, LPs would certainly be at the forefront of a potential recreational market, but what does this mean for a public health approach to cannabis policy?

People often compare a potential legalization model...

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