Ohio Is Likely To Vote On Marijuana Legalization This November

According to multiple reports out of Ohio, the ResponsibleOhio marijuana legalization initiative is going to make the ballot in 2015. ResponsibleOhio fell short of the required signatures by the original deadline, but Ohio law permits a 10 extension for one last push. Responsible Ohio needed 29,509 valid signatures in order to make the ballot, and turned in 95,572 at the end of ten day period. In most cases it would have just been assumed that the signature amount would have been enough, but due to a record low signature validation rate for marijuana legalization signature gathering efforts, no one was certain. The campaign needed a roughly 31% validation rate, and appears to have made that goal. Per WBNS-10TV:

The legalization of marijuana will be on the November ballot, according to preliminary reports of valid signatures sent by Ohio’s county board of election offices.

With 48 counties out of 88 reporting

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