Oklahoma Group Fights for Legal Marijuana

The issue gets people talking. But no matter which side of the medical marijuana debate you fall on, its acceptance is growing.

"Twenty three states have medical marijuana legalized right now," said Isaac Caviness with Green the Vote Oklahoma.

Caviness would like to make Oklahoma number 24.

"There's real proof out there that it's curing cancer," said Caviness. "It's controlling epilepsy and seizures. It's helping with Parkinson's."

Caviness and his group submitted a petition request Friday at the state capitol. A petition to legalize the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. If approved, they'll have 90 days to collect 124,000 signatures.

"Across the state, we have several hundred volunteers," said Caviness.

The petition brings to mind a similar drive just last year. The group behind that petition to legalize marijuana fell short of the required number of signatures. This year, Caviness said, things will be different.

"Last year, this was...

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