Who's Afraid of Ohio Legalization?

I spoke to a reporter from Rolling Stone who is doing a story on the division within the drug reform community over Ohio’s 2015 marijuana legalization amendment. Indeed, the proposal to create both medical marijuana and a taxed-and-regulated adult marijuana market has alienated many supporters of legalization with its assignment of just ten commercial cannabis cultivation sites to the ten investor groups who have funded the initiative campaign.

I was at the International Cannabis Business Conference in San Francisco when Drug Policy Alliance’s director Ethan Nadelmann weighed in on the Ohio initiative:

This thing sticks in my craw. Ten business interests are going to dominate this thing? How much longer do we all as activists have a chance to actually influence the shape of this thing?

What we’ve unleashed now is for-profit interests, big business interests, with no connection to this movement that are lining up to see

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