Should marijuana be legalized for recreational use?

This is a first in an occasional college debate series hosted by Today’s Question where we invite debate clubs to frame and guide the day’s discussion. Positions taken by the debaters don’t necessarily reflect their views. As always, personal attacks aren’t allowed in this space. The comment thread continues to be open to all. Join in!

For this series, we welcome members of the University of Minnesota debate team to defend or challenge the argument for the legalization of marijuana for recreational use.

Defending the argument is Rohit Asirvatham, a junior majoring in political science.

Advocates for the legalization of marijuana often argue that legalization would decrease cartel violence, boost the economy, and alleviate some of the racially disparate impacts of the war on drugs.

The impacts of the drug war in Mexico are staggering, with nearly 20,000 dying last year alone. Legalization would reduce the violence by shrinking cartel profits, because users

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