The Electronic Sports League (Esports) became the first professional gaming league to announce that the gamers participating in their tournaments will be tested for marijuana. And not only that. Apparently, they will be tested for pretty much everything. Something like Olympic level drug testing procedures will be introduced on Esports’ professional gaming stage. Why the sudden burst in drug testing gamers?

One word – Adderall. Yep, the combination of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine is a big problem for Esports. As their gaming community grew and grew, so did the prize pools, so did the gamers that want said prize pools and so did the things they are prepared to do in order to win that first place.

While in athletics we have steroids as the biggest performance enhancing drugs problem, with Esports we have Adderall. Playing in front of thousands of people and being pressured not to lose because of the embarrassment
