What Thanksgiving Would Look Like If Pot Were Legal And Alcohol Wasn't

Imagine a parallel universe to this one where friends and families are getting together over a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. But in this alternate universe cannabis is legal, and alcohol isn't.

A tradition steeped in booze

We already know what Thanksgiving will look like in our world. Alcoholism will be prominently on display setting the stage for another year when things get awkward, people drink too much, icy glares from spouses or children chill the room and people drive home despite knowing they shouldn't.

We wear our drunkieness like a badge on honor. But it's "okay" because alcohol is legal. And everyone else is doing it, so it must be okay to binge drink. You can't open a magazine or turn on a television without alcohol being shoved in your face. ABC wants to show you How to Make Holiday Cocktails with Vodka. CBS matches...

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