Are You Smoking Marijuana Too Often?

Hey, it's possible to overdo any good thing, even getting high! Responsible cannabis use involves setting some boundaries and sometimes saying no. Recreational marijuana should enhance one's life, not muffle or hobble it. All things are not best experienced high!

We all have different lifestyles and tolerance levels, but here are some signs that you just may be using too much. Don't think if you check four yeses you must check into rehab! But if a question resonates with you, you might consider cutting down.

1. Is your cannabis consumption interfering with your relationships?
There are various dynamics between people who like pot and people who prefer alcohol - or no intoxicants at all. One of my sons, a therapist, says he prefers to talk to me when I'm straight because he feels I'm more present, so I'm careful not to call him after smoking. Consider whether...

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