How the Reemerging Hemp Industry Can Spark a New Industrial Revolution

Using renewable agricultural materials to make industrial products is not a new trend; in fact, Chemist Dr. William J. Hale coined the term "chemurgy" in 1934 to refer to this practice.Industrial hemp played a valuable role in the 20th century’s chemurgy movement, and today it has the opportunity to do so once again.

The Birth of the “Chemurgic” Movement

Revered as the father of chemurgy, George Washington Carver believed that every human need could be met by synthesizing materials from things that grow, and that hundreds of products like ink and fuel could be manufactured from everyday crops.

Around the same time, more applications for industrial hemp were being discovered. They proved so useful and numerous that in 1938, Popular Mechanics published an article about hemp titled “The New Billion Dollar Crop.”

Automaker Henry Ford was inspired by the work of Hale and Carver, and became an early champion of...

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