7 of the Most Famous Marijuana Advocates

The battle for marijuana legalization has been long-standing and slow-burning. In 1970 during the presidency of Richard Nixon, marijuana was labeled a Schedule I drug, a classification that includes heroin and LSD, the International Business Times reported. Almost half of the United States has already legalized marijuana in some form, with more expected to join this year

But mainstream attitudes on marijuana are changing. In October, about 58% of 1,015 adults polled supported legalization — this is a 7% increase from 2014, USA Today reported. If that’s not convincing enough, then take a quick glance at the $100 million profit from Colorado’s recreational marijuana sales for August.

Fans of cannabis have a few public figures to thank for this kind of steady progress. From reggae master Bob Marley to cannabis comedian Tommy Chong, here are some of the biggest names helping to push marijuana into the clear:

1. Snoop Dogg...

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