Why Sports Fans Should Support Allowing Athletes To Use Medical Marijuana

I planned on writing an article tonight about cannabis and active professional athletes, but a Twitter conversation changed my focus this evening. The Twitter conversation started when a Baltimore Ravens fan replied to a tweet by NFL player Eugene Monroe of an article I wrote Sunday. Below is the exchange:

@TheSeventyFifth @thatjohnnygreen Bro Far be it me to stop someone from standing up what you believe in but I also think you should focus

— Eli Ford (@FordEford71081) March 22, 2016

@TheSeventyFifth@thatjohnnygreen on the Ravens

— Eli Ford (@FordEford71081) March 22, 2016

I then felt the need to respond to Mr. Eli Ford. I don’t think that Eli Ford meant to ruffle any feathers with his tweets, but I did feel the need to state some opinions and try to educate Mr. Ford. So I tweeted back stating:

The health of 

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