State Must Enforce Safe Standards for Pesticide Use in Marijuana Production

AS parents, it’s our absolute worst fear. For Lisa, it began when her 6-month-old daughter Cynthia was diagnosed with Dravet syndrome, a rare form of epilepsy.

Her child’s small body would spend the next five-plus years racked daily by punishing, life-threatening seizures — until Lisa discovered that a cannabis tincture could control the neurological disease that would otherwise cause her daughter’s death. Today, Cynthia is 9 and is an energetic and vivacious little girl.

When Washingtonians legalized cannabis for recreational use in 2012, consumers were assured safe products. But as The Seattle Times recently reported, fines are now being levied by the Washington State Liquor Cannabis Board (LCB) against two major cannabis producers for using illegal pesticides. I was distressed to learn one of the businesses in violation markets cannabis medicines for children just like Cynthia.

Parents of these children are very concerned. In this case, the cannabis...

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