Tracking the Pot Wars

At a time when the War on Drugs is universally regarded as a pathetic failure and legalized marijuana is rapidly becoming the norm, the drug warriors seem determined as ever to keep prohibition alive. Vast resources still pour into the archaic federal drug bureaucracy, its work vigorously promoted by the usual suspects: the prison industry, the bulk of law enforcement, politicians of both major parties, Big Pharma. Demon weed lives, unfazed by full marijuana legalization in four states with several more to follow, medical pot in 22 states, and surveys reporting that 55 percent of Americans now want to legalize a substance once thought to be unredeemably evil.   The old myths and taboos have been shattered, to the dismay of an anti-drug apparatus that stubbornly clings to its decades-long holy crusade.

In the case of pot, the crusaders have reached a point where old scare tactics about untold damage to...

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