Canada: Provinces lost 'in the weeds' on medical marijuana dispensaries, Premier Kathleen Wynne says

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne says storefront shops selling marijuana will continue to blur the lines of the law around pot until the federal government clarifies the rules around the use of recreational weed.

The federal government plans to unveil new legislation next spring that would legalize cannabis. In the meantime, cities have seen a growing number of marijuana dispensaries open up.

Wynne says cities and provinces remain confused over what to do with those pot shops because Ottawa has yet to clarify rules between recreational and medicinal marijuana.

"That clarification hasn't happened and I think there is some blurring of the line," she said. "We're a bit in the weeds.

"But I do think that as the federal government gets its legislation and its protocols in place, it will be clearer what then
the provinces need to follow through with."

The federal Liberals' new law to legalize the use and regulate the sale of marijuana won't land in Parliament until...

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