Washington marijuana sales surpass $1B

Marijuana sales in Washington continue to rise nearly two years after recreational marijuana became legal in the state.

Sales just passed $1 billion in May and retailers do not expect sales to slow down.

"It's about a revolution,” Salesman Devon Swanson said. “It's about taking it to that next level."

Swanson was not surprised when he heard about how high marijuana sales have gotten. He said more and more people are trying pot now that it is legal and it customer base keeps growing.

"They see as something that they can learn more about and it's fun for them," Swanson said.

More sales also means more competition. There have been at least six new retail stores that have been opened since Fall 2015.

"It's a great way to boost the revenue,” customer Craig Nelson said. “I don't mind paying taxes on something like this."

Swanson said selling pot is all...

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