4 Reasons Why Legalizing Marijuana Could Be the Solution to America's Problems

For a few years now Americans’ have disputed on the legalization of cannabis, also known as marijuana. Recreational cannabis is legal in four states: Oregon, Colorado, Alaska, and Washington state. This November, five states will vote to legalize recreational cannabis: California, Massachusetts, Maine, Arizona, and Nevada. We’ve heard all the research and the majority of adults will admit to having tried cannabis at least once in their life. In a world where substances like alcohol and tobacco remain legal, it’s just illogical that cannabis stays illegal. Both the Republican and Democrat parties have recognized the value of cannabis, at least medically, however there is bigger picture. Legalizing cannabis could be the solution to America’s social, economic, and even some foreign problems. 

1. Marijuana is Medicine. Of course.

Now, we don’t need to keep listing all the health benefits of cannabis. There are already tons of articles about cannabis being an...

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