Here's What America Would Be Like With Legal Pot

Carl Sagan was famous for intoning about “billions and billions” when describing how many stars, galaxies and planets existed in the cosmos. That mantra should be chanted by anyone trying to understand marijuana use and policy in the United States. In the aggregate, Americans report smoking pot about 4 billion days a year (totaling up all the days each individual reported pot use for that year). But under the assumptions that some people understate their marijuana use on government surveys and that some users smoke more than once a day, the true annual total of use episodes could easily exceed 10 billion. These almost inconceivably large numbers lead us to three important realities about pot use.

Reality No. 1: The risks of being arrested for smoking pot are extremely low.

Police made about 620,000 arrests for marijuana possession 2014, which is equal to more than one arrest per minute. This sounds on...

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