A Look Back At Cannabis and Obama


bama gave hope of cannabis legalization

President Barack Obama.  This president more than any other before him truly offered hope to the people of the cannabis community.  Of course (as many of President Obama’s slogans would attest)President Obama was offering change to so many varied groups it seemed across the nation. Don’t get me wrong, I actually like the guy.  I think he is a decent guy that got handed a really bad deal with all of the obstructionism from congress(never mind the crazy world just getting even more crazy).

Obama At War With Himself?

Yet to say that he is the most incredible example of an individual seeming to be at war within himself regarding cannabis is the epitome of a repressed trait.  He has written about and has openly talked about his cannabis use during his youth.  Yet the incarceration rate for non violent drug offenders increased under the Obama Presidency.  This includes...

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