Cannabis Protects The Brain From Traumatic Injuries And Concussions, Study Finds

Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about everything marijuana can do.

More and more studies on the abilities of THC are being released recently, and the results are astonishing. Though many have suspected that the drug works wonders on the brain and central nervous system, studies on these theories have been few and far between because of marijuana’s legal status and a lack of funding for illegal drugs.

That’s slowly starting to change as more states embrace the drug both medicinally and recreationally. As a result, more studies have been conducted to determine what the effects of THC on the body are and the findings are miraculous.

One of the more recent studies, which was published in the journal Cerebral Cortex,found that using THC soon after incurring a brain injury can significantly lessen the bruising to the brain and even assist in the healing process. Normally when the brain experiences...

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