Opinion: I Give an A- to the Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation

Task Force on Cannabis Got it Mostly Right.

Last week’s release of the report by the Canadian government’s Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation largely took a public health approach, which is appropriate given both the initial terms of reference and the evidence they gathered throughout the process. It was heartening to see the government get this right, for the most part, and to see the focus on access to medicine for medical users and fair access to safe and reliable cannabis for recreational users. They crafted a strategy governed by an overarching harm reduction objective, as opposed to the nanny state, control-oriented philosophy that governs so much of what happens in my native province of Ontario.

It’s by no means the utopian wide-open marketplace that many libertarians yearn for but it does take a realistic, balanced, “Made-in-Canada”, approach aimed at safe fair access to a product that, while harmful, is likely...

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