The 4 Most Common Arguments Against Legalizing Weed

And Why They’re B.S.

Though one in eight U.S. adults say they smoke marijuana and the support for legal marijuana is up to 60 percent, there are still popular myths that paint marijuana as the big bad wolf. If you're one of the countless people who's managed to live a well-rounded, fulfilling life and still smoke weed, here are the four most common arguments against making your hobby legal, and why they're total BS:

1. It's a gateway drug

Perhaps the oldest and most persistent argument against marijuana use is that it’s a “gateway drug,” meaning although weed itself is benign or not particularly harmful, it ineluctably leads to harder substances like cocaine or heroin. According to Newsweek:

The gateway theory argues that because heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine users often used marijuana before graduating to harder drugs, it must be a ‘gateway’ to harder drug use. The theory

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