Legal haze clouds cannabis for pets

After the results of the November election, more than half of U.S. states have now authorized medical marijuana. And eight of those states also allow recreational marijuana.

So if pot helps some humans feel better, then how about people’s best friends?

Northwest veterinarians are being asked about treating pets with cannabis and that puts these vets in a difficult spot legally.

Cornelia Wagner runs the Hawthorne Veterinary Clinic in Portland.

She said pet owners turn to hemp or medical marijuana for many of the same things humans take it for these days including cancer symptoms, pain, inflammation, seizures, nausea, anxiety, chronic skin allergies and loss of appetite.

“Five years ago when I started here hemp never came up, or cannabis hardly ever came up,” Wagner said. “Now we talk about it a lot.”

Dr. Wagner tells dog owners that their animals are much more sensitive than humans to the effects...

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