Most Americans Think Cannabis Legalization Helps The Economy, Finds New Survey

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Most Americans believe that cannabis legalization is good for the economy, according to the latest statistics from New Frontier Data.

The data firm's most recent nationwide Cannabis Attitude Survey asked 1,671 people in January 2017 about their opinions on various facets of legalization.  

Surveyors found that 69 percent of respondents believe legalizing and taxing cannabis will raise valuable revenue for the government.

Meanwhile, 60 percent agree that legalization will save government from law enforcements expenses; 51 percent believe the public has enough information to make informed choices about cannabis; and 48 percent (more than 30 percent undecided and 22 percent in disagreement) believe revenue raised from taxing cannabis will sufficiently cover social costs from legalization.

Finally, 50 percent of respondents (compared to 30 percent undecided and 20 percent agreeing) disagreed that anti-drug programs like Just Say No or DARE are effective and decreasing cannabis use.

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