Video: Texas parents treat daughter's severe autism with marijuana vapor, results are stunning

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The incredible story of how two Texas parents illegally use marijuana to treat their 17-year-old daughter's severe autism is reaching millions online, and prompting more discussion about legalization of medical uses for the drug in Texas.

Seventeen-year-old Kara Zartler of Richardson, Texas, has severe autism with self-injurious symptoms, causing her, at times, to hit herself repeatedly and uncontrollably.

But about three years ago, Kara’s parents started treating her symptoms with vaporized marijuana, which quells her self-hitting symptoms in mere minutes, according to her father, Mark Zartler.

In a video that has since gone viral with more than 1.2 million views on Facebook, Kara is shown hitting herself continuously as she cries out in pain. Moments into one such outburst her father administers vaporized marijuana and within minutes Kara settles down, showing no signs of self-injurious behavior.

"I live in Texas and illegally treat my daughter (Kara) with cannabis," Zartler said in a Facebook post last week. "We are telling our story in an effort to change Texas law."

Kara, along with her twin sister Keeley, were born premature at 26 weeks. When Kara was only 10 hours old, she suffered a stroke, Zartler said.

Kara was diagnosed with severe autism at a young age and currently takes eight prescription medications, including Risperidone, Abilify and Prozac for various symptoms.

Her father said as they started treating her with marijuana, they’ve been able to reduce dosages for the prescription medications.

Mark and his wife Christy, who have been married for 23 years, are both now advocating for reform to marijuana laws here in the Lone Star State.

“Texans, right now the medical cannabis bill (SB269) is languishing. We need a hearing to make our case to the our legislators and the public,” Zartler said on Facebook.

He is asking for people to reach out to Texas Senator Charles Schwertner by contacting his office at (512)463-0105.

Zartler said in an interview with he’s mainly focusing on advocating for medical marijuana to treat autism, but he believes marijuana could have beneficial effects for military veterans battling PTSD, as well as cancer patients.

“There’s more medicinal uses than people realize,” Zartler said. “Ask yourself what would you do in my situation.”

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