How Psychiatry Shaped My View of Cannabis

Practicing psychiatry offers perspective on cannabis's popularity and risks.
The privilege granted psychiatrists to hear the most intimate facets of people’s lives, combined with the authority and responsibility to administer medications appropriately and safely, gives them a unique perspective on cannabis use.
Firstly, cannabis magnificently illustrates the direct connection between our brain and our mind. Even small amounts of the molecules produced by cannabis plants (primarily THC and CBD) markedly change the basic texture of our experience. The brain is a colony of individual nerve cells, called neurons. Neurons are essentially one-celled organisms that can live independently when placed in a petri dish. Together, the roughly 86 billion neurons making up our brain are so delicately and intimately interconnected with each other that they control the body’s muscles, affecting what we hear, see, smell, feel, and think.
All medications have unintended side effects, and this includes medical cannabis. Addiction is only one of many possible negative side effects. For example, people with multiple sclerosis can experience significant relief from painful muscle spasms, but those who use cannabis for this relief have unfortunately been shown to have an earlier decline in cognitive functioning. Ongoing daily use of cannabis, even for legitimate medical purposes, can lead to a subtle decline in memory, executive functions, the ability to assess the probability of risk, and even sensitivity to subtle emotional cues. All medications, and especially powerful medicines, need to be given only when well-diagnosed illnesses have a reasonable expectation of benefit, and with careful monitoring for potential unwanted side effects and untoward interactions with other medications. There is a role for medical use of cannabis products, but it needs to be handled with the same care, discretion, and monitoring we expect to receive for any strong pharmaceutical medication.
I summarized the objective facts discovered by science in my book From Bud to Brain (2020), but I was quickly dissatisfied with how it told only half the cannabis story, as fascinating as the scientific story is. The other, subjective half, now told in Marijuana on My Mind: The Science and Mystique of Cannabis (2022), is equally fascinating. This half, like much of good psychiatry, involves more listening than telling.
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