Cannabis Technology News


Winnipeg company develops 'D-Pod', cannabis inspired tech that can decontaminate medical supplies, personal protective equipment

Delta 9 Cannabis has filed patents in Canada and the U.S. for decontamination equipment that could be used in the fight against COVID-19. 

Branded as ‘decontamination pods’, or ‘D-pods,’ the company has retrofitted shipping containers with heat and ultraviolet light technologies. Once medical equipment is placed inside the pod, the combination of light and heat kills the virus.

John Arbuthnot, the CEO of Delta 9, said the technology could be a “game changer” and allow hospitals and care-facilities to decontaminate large amounts of PPE and other equipment in two-hour cycles, freeing up inventories and potentially preventing exposure to the virus. 


The Path To Organic For The Marijuana Industry

Organic standards can be established, whether or not cannabis is legal at the federal level.
Those standards won’t be federally regulated, but they can exist separately from legalization.

Is there such a thing as a hemp car?

Hemp is touted as a potential green solution for everything from building materials to plastics — and that's precisely where they have value in the automotive sector. A car entirely made from hemp would save a lot of non-renewable materials from their inevitable fate in the junkyard. 


Does Weed Really Mess With Your Memory?

Marijuana makes you dumb. At least according to the tired trope surrounding its use. Back in the day, stoners were considered slackers and anyone who smoked weed was on a one-way ticket to Loserville.

Today, many of those stigmas have fallen away. But some still linger in the popular consciousness, like the perception that every hit on a joint results in a lower IQ. But does smoking marijuana actually make you stupid?


Cannabis In Canada: Valuation Approaches In An Evolving Market

In June 2019, FTI Consulting published Part 1 of Cannabis: Valuation Approaches in an Evolving Market, which explored legalization of cannabis for recreational use in Canada, risk factors, and the range of complexities to consider for corporate valuations in the emerging Canadian cannabis industry.


The Difference Between CBD And THC

You’re probably familiar with the words CBD and THC, but do you know what they are and how they can affect your health? Cannabidiol (CBD) and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are two compounds found in members of the cannabis plant genus. They’re just two of many compounds called cannabinoids found in the plant.

While they both come from the same plant, they have vastly different effects and benefits. Knowing the differences between the two and learning as much as possible about the two compounds prior to use can help you see the potential health benefits and risks of each. Start by knowing what they are, followed by their risks, side effects and potential healthy uses.


Vancouver company announces clinical trial of psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy for substance use disorders

Vancouver-based Numinus Wellness Inc. has announced a 30-person clinical trial to establish the best practices for treating substance use disorders with psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy.

According to a press release, the trial will be focused on treating tobacco, stimulant, alcohol and opioid disorders.


The Pandemic Creates an E-commerce Business Where There Was None

As we all know by now, the COVID-19 pandemic created a massive shift in the way consumers spend money. Specifically, it caused a massive increase in e-commerce sales and an equally drastic decrease in sales at brick-and-mortar locations. 

This changing dynamic affected every industry—from retail to consumer goods to groceries—but the way it affected cannabis is unique. 

The cannabis industry, unlike most other industries, had a virtually non-existent e-commerce presence prior to 2020. This was by design. Regulations made it illegal to buy cannabis any other way besides physically going to a dispensary, and impractical for businesses to get ahead of the curve. 


How to Grow Weed: Germinating Cannabis Seeds

The gardening season is booming in North America, and it’s high time to start some tiny seeds that can grow into potent plants, says Jorge Cervantes, veteran marijuana cultivator and author of “The Cannabis Encyclopedia”.

1) Soak seeds overnight in a glass of plain water. They may float on the surface at first but should sink to the bottom in a few minutes. Make sure seeds get good and wet so that water penetrates the outer shell and growth is activated. Do not let seeds soak for more than 24 hours, or they might get too wet, suffer oxygen deprivation and subsequently rot.

2) Remove seeds from the water. Pour water out onto two paper (or cloth) towels on a dinner plate. Fold the towels over the seeds to cover them.


Customize Your Cannabinoids – Now You Can Mix’ N’ Match

Most of what’s gone on in the field of medicinal cannabis has been related to simply isolating and/or replicating a specific cannabinoid to get its benefits. In today’s world of cannabis medicine, the new thing is for a customer to order a premium blend of their favorite compounds, because today, you can actually customize your cannabinoids.


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