Marijuana Politics

rand paul

Disney World Lists Marijuana as Prohibited Item

Medical marijuana might be legal in Florida, but there are places where it is against the rules.

Disney World has updated its website to specifically list “marijuana” as a prohibited item.

“Although some states have legalized marijuana for medicinal or recreational use, marijuana remains illegal under federal law,” a Disney spokesperson told WESH 2 News. “We are revising our rules to clarify that marijuana is not permitted on our property.”

Attorney Matt Morgan, who fought to pass Amendment 2, is not surprised by the decision and said he understands the reasoning behind the policy.

“But to the extent that they’d go through someone’s personal belongings to search for that, I think that’s when the public might start having an issue with it,” Morgan said.


Federal Agency Admits That Marijuana Could Curb Opioid Addiction

After years of skepticism and outright denials, one of the federal government's lead drug researchers may be coming around on the rehabilitative power of marijuana.

As first reported by MassRoots political correspondent Tom Angell, the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA) now states on its website that three recent studies, two of which it funded, suggest "medical marijuana products may have a role in reducing the use of opioids needed to control pain."


No wonder marijuana stocks are soaring! Support for legalizing weed just hit an all-time high

The marijuana industry is the hottest thing since sliced bread, and marijuana stocks are thriving as a result. Here's a quick rundown of how some of the industry's largest players' stock prices have performed over the trailing 12 months:


March for the decriminalization of cannabis in Paris

In rap and reggae tunes, the procession, composed of many young people but also of sick people, militant for the use of cannabis for therapeutic purposes, departed shortly after 15 hours from Place de la Bastille to Place de la Bastille. Republic, behind a banner proclaiming: “Worldwide marijuana cannabis decriminalization self-production cannabis therapeutic. Another drug policy is possible “. This year, the march was advanced to stand between the two rounds of the presidential.


Inside the UK's Secret Cannabis Coffee Shops

Sitting six floors up, looking down on London's rooftops and the City workers leaving the high rises nearby, I sip a coffee and puff a joint of Moroccan hash, bought over the counter five minutes ago. 

I'm in one of the many clandestine Amsterdam-style coffee shops to have popped up across the UK over the past few years – places that all have their own motivations and character, whether they're open-doored and profit-driven or more private and community-based, but which all share one key characteristic: you can smoke – and sometimes buy – weed on the premises. This is just one of six venues that I know of in this part of London, and beyond the capital similar set-ups exist all the way from Peterborough to Newcastle. 


Medical Marijuana - Life in the Waiting Room - NZ

Sometimes when Cara* is waiting for her carer to return from the tinny house, her mind begins to wander.

What's happened to them? Why are they taking longer then usual? Are they banged up, frightened, at the local cop shop?

She worries that this time their luck has run out, as they delve inexpertly into the world of drugs and gangs to get her medicine: cannabis.

Cara suffers from the autoimmune disease lupus and complications from a stroke.

She gets around in an electric wheelchair, which she manoeuvres with her shaky, twisted and swollen hands. The cannabis, which she takes as a capsule of oil or baked into cookies, steadies them and her nerves and frees her from pain.


A national medical marijuana program would save Medicaid $1 billion a year

The marijuana industry is growing like a weed. Last year, legal weed sales grew by 34%, according to cannabis research firm ArcView, and by 2021, legal sales (which includes medical and recreational pot) are expected to exceed $22 billion. Investment firm Cowen & Co. has an even more bullish forecast on legal weed, calling for $50 billion in sales by 2026. These estimates are what have revenue-hungry state governments, as well as investors, drooling with excitement.


The legal reason why a conservative lawmaker delivers marijuana in Georgia

Medical marijuana is legal in Georgia. Kind of.

Though the state passed a measure legalizing medical cannabis in 2015, it remains illegal to buy, sell, or grow the plant. That's why Georgia Rep. Allen Peake, a conservative Christian who sponsored the legalization bill, runs an underground "distribution network" to get the medicine to registered patients throughout the state.


VT. House expected to consider marijuana legalization next week

State lawmakers begin their final scheduled week of the session next week, and among the high-profile bills expected to attract plenty of attention is the long-delayed House bill to legalize marijuana.

Bill H. 170 has been stuck in the Human Services Committee for weeks, referred there suddenly after the first floor vote suddenly appeared at risk of defeat.

Late Friday, the committee voted to dislodge H. 170, sending it on to the House floor in a 5-4-2 vote.

Committee Chairwoman Ann Pugh, a South Burlington Democrat, said her panel added language to address some concerns about youth access to marijuana -- explicitly prohibiting pot near schools, and all public consumption.


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