Marijuana Politics

rand paul

Marijuana Industry Is Not Worried a Trump Administration Would Roll Back Legalization

41% of republicans support marijuana legalization, according to Pew.

The smoke hasn’t cleared from the cannabis industry’s substantial wins a week ago and already there are questions about whether the industry is under threat from a Trump administration.

President-elect Donald Trump has yet to confirm the various members of his administration, but the way it is shaping up may pose challenges to supporters of recreational and/or medical marijuana legalization. For now however, the industry isn’t ready to ring the alarm.


Several NFL owners, execs eyeing marijuana discipline changes

With public attitudes and laws changing in the United States regarding the use of recreational and medical marijuana, minds are beginning to change in the NFL as well.

Based on conversations with 10 NFL team owners and executives over the past few months, marijuana usage could emerge as a key issue when the collective bargaining agreement is renegotiated over the next few years. The team sources spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to talk candidly about the subject.


Legalization of marijuana in the UK could save the our government billions

“The War on Drugs” is the brainchild of president Nixon; this declaration from June 1971 created an influx of misinformation, suppressed research and has prevented the evolution of the most versatile drug for medicinal use known to mankind.



Silver linings: US state votes to legalise cannabis boost reform opportunities in the Americas

Summary: One of the most striking juxtapositions of the 2016 U.S. elections is that on the same day that the nation elected to the presidency a candidate who employed openly racist language and fueled his campaign by denigrating and stoking fear of Mexicans, four U.S. states—notably including California—continued to roll back cannabis prohibition, a policy rooted in overtly racist demonization of Mexicans and black Americans in the early 20th Century. With over 20 percent of Americans now living in states that have voted to regulate rather than ban cannabis, the United States is in no position to slam the brakes on similar reform efforts abroad. The U.S.


Marijuana Investor Peter Thiel Said to Join Trump’s Presidential Transition Team

Venture capitalist Peter Thiel will join President-Elect Donald Trump’s transition team, a move that solidifies the Facebook Inc. board member’s power and could help Silicon Valley have a say in the next administration. Since Thiel was the first institutional investor to put money into the nascent cannabis industry, this could be a positive sign, and an indication that Trump's government is open to business opportunities in the marijuana sector.


It's been a year since Illinois legalized medical marijuana, and everything is going fine

Illinois is marking its first year of medical marijuana sales as more states voted on Election Day to allow legal use of the drug.

Despite anecdotes of medical marijuana's positive influence on patients, broader data and randomized clinical trials of its use remain very limited, the Chicago Tribune reported.

Officials said there have been very few overt problems with the program since the first dispensaries opened in Illinois on Nov. 9, 2015. Police said they haven't seen any significant complications and that no patients have had their licenses rescinded for using the drug illegally. 


Can You Fly On An Airplane With Legal Marijuana?

Unless you were living under a rock this week, then you are aware that the number of legal states in America doubled after the election. The states that legalized were of course California, Nevada, Massachusetts, and Maine. According to the most recent census numbers, those states have a combined population of 49,714,000 people, with California of course making up the bulk of the statistic (38.8 million people live in California).


Is Legalized Recreational Marijuana Use on Connecticut's Horizon?

Voters in Massachusetts approved the recreational use of marijuana starting in 2018. It's a measure some Connecticut legislators have pushed for in the past without success. But now proponents think the tide might be changing in Connecticut. 

The approval of recreational pot in neighboring Massachusetts is already sparking conversation to the south. New Haven Rep. Juan Candelaria, who’s introduced legislation in the past, said the biggest attraction to legalization is tax revenue.


Veterans Day: Texas Vets Fight for Medical Cannabis Legalization

If you start hearing stories about thousands of toy soldiers showing up on the grounds of the Texas State Capitol on Veteran’s Day, you can thank David Bass.

Bass is the director of veteran outreach for Texas NORML, one of the cannabis advocacy group’s most active chapters.

He came by that position through hard experience. Years ago, Bass found himself taking an assortment of prescription painkillers to deal with the PTSD and chronic pain brought on by a 20-year career in the U.S. Army.


In a First for Latin America, Uruguay Rolls out Program Legalizing Marijuana

Diego Prandini is bent over in a small, brightly lit room, watering marijuana plants of all shapes and sizes. He crawls into a corner to reach some smaller specimens, labeled with names like “Ushua” and “RGB1,” all of which will be part of the next two-kilogram harvest.

“I've been at this for seven hours today,” he says, standing and smiling. “So my back is starting to get a little tired.”

Until recently, this job would have been illegal, and he might have worked for dangerous narcotraficantes, perhaps in hidden in nearby Paraguay. But Prandini, 37 and sporting a T-shirt and mohawk, tends his plants in a pleasant middle-class neighborhood of Uruguay's capital, and as a break, he heads downstairs to enjoy a joint with his co-workers and watch YouTube videos. 


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