Marijuana Politics

rand paul

Got the Munchies? Pot Brownies and Candy Central to Massachusetts Marijuana Legalization Debate

The butter shortbread and oatmeal raisin cookies from Better Baked in Denver look like cookies in any supermarket. But take a few bites and you might get high. The cookies are infused with marijuana.

Beginning in October, the wholesale distributor of marijuana edibles will need to mark the bottom of the cookies, which they will do using a powdered sugar-like substance, with a diamond and the notation "THC," indicating that they contain the active ingredient in marijuana.

That is just one of the latest regulatory changes Colorado is making as its recreational marijuana industry grows and the market for edible products like pot brownies and candy has taken off.


Democrats Hope Marijuana Will Help Elect Hillary Clinton

But experts say it might be a pipe dream.

With Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton both viewed unfavorably by the majority of Americans, Democrats are hoping that if the top of the ballot doesn't excite voters this November, maybe the bottom will. Marijuana liberalization and minimum-wage hikes will get a vote in a handful of swing states for the presidential candidates. But there's reason to think these issues might not galvanize voters the way they once did.


Three B.C. Cities Want Ottawa to Share Revenue of Prospective Marijuana Tax

Three municipalities in British Columbia want a stake in any tax revenue that the federal government collects from the legalization of marijuana.

Nelson, Duncan and Prince George put forward resolutions to the Union of British Columbia Municipalities asking it to put pressure on higher levels of government to ensure tax sharing with municipalities is considered by the federal task force investigating marijuana legalization and regulation.

With eight dispensaries open in Nelson, Mayor Deb Kozak said determining how to regulate and monitor the technically illicit businesses has required considerable city and police resources.

“There is a real cost attached to that and we are not realizing any revenues from (the marijuana) industry at this time,” Kozak said.


The Election is Coming, Cannabis Will be Legalized, and These Are Stocks to Buy!

The presidential election is right around the corner and cannabis stocks are poised to benefit from this event as market sentiment improves with the opening of new state markets.

This November, a record number of states (at least nine) will have some type of cannabis initiative on the ballot. California, Arizona, Nevada, Massachusetts and Maine will vote on recreational cannabis, while Florida, Arkansas, and North Dakota vote on medical cannabis.

The legal cannabis movement has created unprecedented opportunities for investors and this growth cycle will mint more millionaires than the tech boom. Investors looking for a new growth field need to take advantage of the cannabis sector as there will not be another growth opportunity like it for decades to come.


New Poll Shows More Support for Medicinal Cannabis Law Reform in New Zealand

The tide is turning on medicinal cannabis law reform, with a new poll showing only one in eight people oppose safe and legal access to medicinal cannabis products prescribed by licensed doctors.

Former Council of Trade Unions (CTU) president Helen Kelly said the results put pressure on the Government to act now, rather than wait for a potential referendum in the future.

"Politicians now have the choice – force those who are mainly unwell to collect signatures simply so the public will be believed, or act quickly and with mercy and fix this mess up so people like me and many others have safe and legal guaranteed access."


New Campaign in Colorado Looks to Keep Underage Kids From Using Cannabis

The “Good to Know” campaign is hoping to curb underage cannabis use by keeping parents and educators informed.

As someone who lived in Boulder for a short stint before moving to my current residence in New York City, I can tell you first-hand that the state of Colorado is majestically evergreen, a landscape packed with towering trees and beautiful buds. It’s one of the most cannabis-friendly regions around, and has a high-caliber culture that represents all of the best things that marijuana and hemp has to offer the world. But, not everything is all peachy in the green wonderland of Colorado, and although cannabis is widely accepted statewide, the potential for underage cannabis use remains a prevalent issue to some. 


Poll: Should Thailand Legalize Marijuana? Yes, Most Say

AN ONLINE poll seeking public opinion on whether the Thai government should legalize the use of marijuana has so far resulted in nearly 80 percent of respondents saying “yes”.

Even more interesting is that those who agreed with the proposal said the authorities should allow marijuana to be used for both medical and recreational purposes.

In the still-ongoing survey posted on Saturday by Thai Visa, respondents were asked to select one of three answers to the question: Should marijuana be legalized in Thailand?

As of 9am Monday, of the 230 who voted, only 14 respondents or 6.54 percent said they felt it was not a good idea.


California: Marijuana Plantation May Have Contaminated San Luis Creek

Health officials are waiting on test results to determine if San Luis Creek or other water sources were contaminated by a banned pesticide that may have been used on an illegal marijuana plantation off Highway 101 north of San Luis Obispo.

San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Department narcotics detectives discovered 5,880 marijuana plants on the east side of the highway about halfway up Cuesta Grade, said sheriff’s spokesman Tony Cipolla.

In addition to the plants and trash located near a San Luis Creek tributary on private land bordering Los Padres National Forest, investigators also found a variety of toxic chemicals, Cipolla said.

Those included Carbofuran, a pesticide detectives believe was applied to the marijuana plants.


New Mexico Cop Accidentally Filmed Himself Stealing Marijuana

A New Mexico police sergeant accused of unwittingly recording himself on a lapel camera taking marijuana from his office and giving it to his girlfriend has been released from jail.

KOB-TV in Albuquerque reported Saturday that Grants police Sgt. Roshern McKinney is out of jail.

It wasn't immediately known Sunday under what conditions he was released.

State police say McKinney was arrested Wednesday. An investigation was requested in July after the video recording was found.

McKinney was arrested on marijuana distribution, conspiracy and felony embezzlement charges in Albuquerque, NM. (Police Handout)

He faces charges of distribution of marijuana, conspiracy and felony embezzlement.


Israel to Begin Exporting Marijuana Soon — Minister

Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel on Sunday announced that Israel would begin exporting medical marijuana abroad, weeks after the government approved measures to make medical cannabis more easily accessible to patients in Israel.

“In two years we will have protocols in place that will allow farmers to grow cannabis,” Ariel told Israel Radio over the weekend, according to Israel’s online Hebrew-language magazine Cannabis.

“The Agriculture Ministry has set up specific areas for the research and trial of growing cannabis, a plant whose foremost use is the medical treatment of patients around the world,” he said.

Ariel said he intends to approve the request for exporting Israeli-grown medical marijuana abroad.


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