Marijuana Politics

rand paul

Trump Tuesday: Neil Young's Message to Donald Trump

Neil Young has a simple message for Donald Trump: "F**k you."

It's the latest skirmish between the Canadian rocker and the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. After Trump used "Keep on Rockin' in the Free World" at his campaign launch last year, Young condemned the candidate and a spokesperson said he "was not authorized" to use the song, according to Rolling Stone.


How Canada's Current Approach To Legalization Is Harming Young Adults

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal government came to power promising to legalize recreational marijuana use in order to eliminate the black market and thereby keep cannabis away from kids. Now the New Democratic Party is alleging that the government's delays on this file is actually endangering the wellbeing of younger Canadians - although young adults in this case, not underage youth.


The Value of Community in the Legalization Movement

The 2016 NORML Aspen Legal Seminar

I just returned a few days ago from a lovely long weekend in beautiful Aspen, CO, a charming old silver-mining town in the Rocky Mountains with breath-taking views, that serves as a popular playground for skiers in the winter and biking and hiking enthusiasts in the other seasons. And it is the location of an annual NORML legal seminar held each year in early June.

The Seminar Itself

First, for those attorneys who attend this event, it is a truly unique opportunity to hear from some of the most brilliant and creative criminal defense and marijuana business attorneys in the country.


Greece: 36 SYRIZA Deputies are Calling for the Legalization of Medical Cannabis

36 leftist SYRIZA MPs submitted a question to Greek Health Minister Panagiotis Kouroumblis regarding the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes. The question, titled “National plan for medicinal cannabis,” follows a previous request for the legalization of medical marijuana production in February.


Mizzou Crackdown on Marijuana Imagery Triggers Lawsuit Threat


For the past fifteen years or so, pro-marijuana students attending the University of Missouri-Columbia have printed t-shirts and banners emblazoned with versions of this design, featuring a stylized "tiger claw" made of pot leaves and Mizzou's official "MU" logo. 


Attorney General Rejects Canadian MP's Motion to Decriminalize Pot

The federal government will not decriminalize the possession of marijuana until it becomes law — with stringent regulations and restrictions in place, Attorney General Jody Wilson-Raybould said on Monday.

“Our government’s objectives in doing so are to protect young Canadians by keeping marijuana out of the hands of children and youth,” said Wilson-Raybould. “We also want to keep profits out of the hands of criminals, particularly organized crime.”

The federal attorney general spoke against an Opposition Day motion introduced in Parliament on Monday by NDP justice critic Murray Rankin, who represents Victoria.

The bill urges the government to decriminalize possession of personal amounts of pot before it’s made legal.


Canada: NDP Demands Immediate Decriminalization of Marijuana

MP Murray Rankin says too many people are getting criminal records for something that will soon be legal.

The federal New Democrats are putting forward a motion in Parliament today to pressure the Liberal government to decriminalize pot before it is legalized.

NDP Justice Critic Murray Rankin says it is not fair to arrest people and give them criminal records for possessing marijuana if the practice will soon be legal.

"Despite Justin Trudeau's clear campaign promise to immediately fix marijuana laws in Canada, the government has done nothing for eight months except continue the senseless practice of handing out criminal records for personal use," said a statement released by Rankin.


Medical Marijuana Becomes Legal in Macedonia

So far 13 European Union nations have legalised marijuana-derived medicines including Austria, Britain, France, Germany, Italy.

Marijuana-derived medicines became legal today in Macedonia, which joined over a dozen European countries that have already authorised the products for certain patients.

Medicines containing less then 0.2 per cent of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the plant's main psychoactive ingredient, can now be prescribed by doctors and bought in pharmacies, the head of Macedonia's agency for medicines Marija Darkovska-Serafimovska told reporters.

"This will help a huge number of Macedonian citizens that are fighting serious illnesses and have a need for treatment with nature-based products," Darkovska-Serafimovska said.


Ireland: 'Cannabis Oil Could Control My Daughter's Seizures but I'm Not Allowed to Bring It into the Country'

Ava Barry has to endure hundreds of seizures every year. Unfortunately, most modern medicines fail to control the episodes. Her worried parents tell our reporter they believe a cannabis oil, not available here, may hold the key.

Vera Twomey and Paul Barry are absolutely terrified that their gorgeous little girl will die if she doesn't get a particular drug that has not yet been approved in Ireland.


One Tweet That Shows Just How Far Marijuana Legalization Has Come

The police department in Portland, Oregon, is now offering people advice on where to buy marijuana. Seriously:


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