Marijuana Politics

rand paul

Patients deserve access to medical marijuana

Allison Barker Watson is a former Tennessee assistant district attorney for the 13th Judicial District. She is also a board member of the Tennessee Research Institute and a member of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition.


Massachusetts Hospital Association votes to oppose marijuana ballot measure

The Massachusetts Hospital Association has joined a growing roster of opponents to a proposed ballot measure that would legalize marijuana in Massachusetts.

The group’s board of trustees voted unanimously last week to oppose the measure, citing public health and safety concerns, including greater youth access to the drug.

“Clinicians and healthcare leaders from around the state have a clear message — this ballot measure is the wrong prescription for Massachusetts,” said Lynn Nicholas, chief executive of the hospital association, in a written statement.


The Shake: 4/20 Cannabis Cup Bolts to California, Public Use in Toronto Ends, and Bernie Inhaled but Didn’t Enjoy

4/20 Cannabis Cup now in San Berdoo! OK. For reals. We think the 4/20 Cannabis Cup has actually found a home. After getting kicked out of the Denver Mart and then failing to secure the permits to hold the annual bacchanal in Pueblo, Colo., it looks like the good folks at High Times have moved the event to San Bernardino, Calif. Michael Roberts, reporting for Westword, follows the thread to the NOS Center in San Berdoo, which has hosted previous (medical) California Cannabis Cups. The U.S. Cannabis Cup, with its competitions and cannabis carnival booths, will take place there April 15–17.


Maine: Marijuana legalization campaign challenges disqualification

Backers of an initiative to legalize marijuana filed a lawsuit Thursday challenging the secretary of state’s decision to disqualify the measure from the November ballot and alleging that Secretary of State Matt Dunlap did not review every notary signature that was invalidated.

The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol is disputing a March 2 determination by Dunlap that 26,779 signatures were invalid because the signature of the notary who signed the petitions did not match the signature on file with the office. The campaign needed 61,123 signatures but only provided 51,543 valid signatures, according to Dunlap. The campaign turned in 99,229 signatures on Feb. 1.


Legalizing Marijuana Is Louisiana's Best Chance to Solve Its Incarceration, Health, and Economic Problems

Louisiana is in quite a predicament: It’s broke, really broke.


Pennsylvania: Marijuana enforcement, not marijuana, is what's harmful, supporters tell officials

Marijuana isn't the reason people turn to a life of crime, but rather an arrest for marijuana possession that can push some people down the wrong path.

That was the sentiment of several people who spoke Thursday night in favor of Harrisburg's proposal to reduce the criminal penalties for small amounts of marijuana. The supporters said marijuana is much less harmful than other legal substances such as alcohol or prescription drugs.


No changes for Utah marijuana laws: Bill for expanded CBD use killed

Utah will not pass a medical marijuana bill this year.

Lawmakers on Thursday killed the more restrictive of two medical marijuana bills introduced in the state. They rejected a broader plan earlier this week.

The proposal by Rep. Brad Daw of Orem and Sen. Evan Vickers of Cedar City would have allowed those with certain debilitating conditions to use a cannabis extract that has very low levels of psychoactive THC but has large amounts of cannabidiol (CBD).

Daw says there is not enough money in the budget for the proposal this year. He says he plans to introduce the proposal again next year.


New Hampshire House Approves Marijuana Decriminalization Bill

The New Hampshire House of Representatives approved a bill Thursday evening in a voice vote that would remove criminal penalties for possession of small amounts of marijuana and replace them with a civil fine. The measure will now be considered in the Senate.

HB 1631 would make possession of up to one-half ounce of marijuana a civil violation punishable by a fine of $100 for a first offense, $200 for a second offense, and $500 for a third or subsequent offense. Under current state law, possession of any amount of marijuana is a misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in prison and a fine of up to $2,000.


Marijuana decriminalization revived in Illinois Senate

A measure that would decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana has been revived in the Illinois Senate.

A similar bill the General Assembly approved last year was allowed to die after Gov. Bruce Rauner used his amendatory veto powers to propose tighter restrictions. The new bill, sponsored by Sen. Heather Steans, D-Chicago, and approved Wednesday by the Senate Criminal Law Committee, incorporates the changes Rauner suggested.

Those include lowering the threshold for being ticketed rather than arrested for marijuana possession to 10 grams. The original bill set the threshold at 15 grams, equal to about 30 joints.


Jamaica: Ganja tax?

The island’s parish councils want to be able to make regulations that will enable them to earn fees from commercial activities relating to ganja.

The Kingston and St Andrew Corporation (KSAC) council meeting yesterday supported a resolution passed by the St Catherine Parish Council on January 14 for the Portmore Municipal Council and all the other councils to be allowed to make regulations to enable the sharing of fees related to the “cultivation, processing, distribution, sale, and handling of marijuana within their particular jurisdiction”.


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