Marijuana Politics

rand paul

Where do Ireland’s political parties stand on decriminalising cannabis?

THERE HAS BEEN much talk in recent times about cannabis, namely plans to decriminalise or legalise it in certain jurisdictions.

A number of states in the US have decriminalised or legalised the drug and more are considering it.

In Colorado, for example, adults aged 21 or older can legally possess one ounce (28 grammes) of marijuana. Last year the state sold $996 million worth (about €876 million) of recreational and medical cannabis.


Rubio doesn’t believe there are any legitimate uses for marijuana

residential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio (R- FL) came out strongly against the legalization of recreational marijuana at a campaign rally in South Carolina Thursday, and expressed skepticism about the medical usefulness of the plant when asked what he would do about drug use in the United States.

“And I say, well, because this country already pays a terrible price for the abuse of alcohol,” Mr. Rubio said at a campaign event in South Carolina. “We’re not going to outlaw alcohol. We’re not going to ban it. It’s part of our culture. It’s ingrained in our society — that’s not a realistic proposal.


SafeMontana wants voters to decide legality of marijuana

Group backing I-176 in Montana (MTN News photo) BILLINGS -

A Billings-based group wants voters to decide on whether or not to make marijuana illegal in Montana and match federal law.

SafeMontana collected signatures at MetraPark this weekend at the Billings Gun Show and the state All-Class Wrestling Tournament.

Initiative 176 would make state law the same as federal law with respect to illegal drugs, including marijuana, on Schedule One of the Federal Controlled Substances Act.


WA: Marijuana ban on agenda for next City Council meeting


YAKIMA, Wash.--The next move on Yakima's ban on marijuana sales will be addressed by the City Council.

It will be a major topic for the Council as they voted in favor of a resolution to lift the ban a few weeks ago.

Councilwoman Kathy Coffey made the motion to make a new resolution on the ban.

This meeting will also review the City's 2015 strategic priorities year-end report and recognize the service of some longtime firefighters.

The meeting will take place Tuesday at 6 p.m. inside City Hall.



CT: Some area lawmakers support medical marijuana for children

Several lawmakers say they would support legislation allowing children to participate in the state’s medical marijuana program, a measure that could be reintroduced this year.

The state made medical marijuana legal in 2012. To qualify, a patient must be 18 or older. Last year, the state Department of Consumer Protection proposed a bill allowing doctors to prescribe marijuana to patients younger than 18. While the bill passed through the General Assembly’s Judiciary Committee with bipartisan support, it never went any further. The legislature did expand the conditions covered by medical marijuana, said state Rep. Mary Fritz, D-Wallingford, a member of the Judiciary Committee. Marijuana can be prescribed to treat 11 conditions, according to state law.


Meet the pot-loving grandad running for Mayor of London

If you vote for 79-year-old Lee Harris, the first thing he’ll do is legalise weed

Lee Harris is not your conventional 79-year old grandfather. The owner of a headshop – Alchemy – on London’s Portobello Road, Harris has just announced that he’ll be running for Mayor of London on a platform of legalising weed.


Oregon Legislature Could Greenlight Critical Changes to Marijuana Laws

Next week is setting up to be an action-packed showdown for some would-be progressive marijuana legislation in the Beaver State. With the bizarre standoff at the National Wildlife Refuge finally resolved, Oregon’s power brokers will be turning their attention to some slightly more lucrative matters – like overhauling Oregon’s current marijuana laws.


Vote Yes On Florida Medical Marijuana Initiative 'For Humanitarian Reasons'

Florida voters are going to see a medical marijuana legalization initiative on the ballot for the second election cycle in a row. The 2016 version is different than the 2014 version in a handful of ways. The 2014 initiative lost by just 2 percent. An improved initiative, lessons learned from the 2014 campaign, and a higher voter turnout due to a Presidential election will hopefully overcome that 2 percent. Florida residents want medical marijuana, and not the version previously passed by the Florida Legislature that doesn’t really help anyone. The Editorial Board at the Miami-Herald agrees. Per an excerpt from a recently published article by the media outlet:


Omagh man to spearhead new cannabis campaign

AN Omagh native is set to become the poster boy for a new campaign to legalise medicinal marijuana.

Kieran McCrory who was struck down with a brain tumour in 2011 and who is currently recovering from brain surgery, founded Omagh Medicinal Cannabis Support Group last year.


However, in the coming months Kieran will work alongside the on-line magazine and lobbyist VolteFace in a new drive to have Westminster re-think its laws on what Kieran says is a wholly natural remedy for cancer. The campaign is also reportedly set to feature former Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg and will be supported by political party CISTA (Cannabis is Safer than Alcohol).


WV NORML Aims to Reform Medical Marijuana Laws

On Saturday, West Virginia NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) hosted an info meeting at the Morgantown Public Library to inform the public about their goals for the state. 5 News attended the meeting to see what they are aiming to reform about marijuana laws and if members of the community agree with the cause.

As the debate on legalization of marijuana continues all over the country, one group is working to reform marijuana laws in Morgantown. West Virginia NORML is an organization dedicated to educating our state on the positive effects they believe medical marijuana can have on chronic health issues.


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