Marijuana Politics

rand paul

Georgia lawmakers face seven marijuana bills

Macon Republican Allen Peake isn't the only state lawmaker pushing marijuana bills during this year's legislative session.

Peake's proposal, HB-722, would allow the cultivation and distribution of medical marijuana in Georgia. But Georgia lawmakers also face six other drug related proposals ranging from making marijuana possession a misdemeanor to outright legalization of marijuana use in the state.

Senate Bill 254, sponsored by Lowndes County Republican John Colbert, would reduce a possession of marijuana charge from a felony to a misdemeanor for first-time offenders. It also removes the current provision that makes possession of less than ounce of marijuana a misdemeanor.


Controlled Substance Classifications Vary Widely Around the Globe

Las Vegas—A new paper provides the first compendium of controlled substance classification systems around the world, revealing a broad spectrum of regulations but little consensus as to what works best.


The Drug War Is Wrecking Our ER Departments

Every day I see people during the worst moments of their lives. As an emergency room doctor, I see the victims of violence, disease and age at their most vulnerable.

During one of my more depressing shifts, a nine-year-old girl (let’s call her Nancy) came into the emergency room with an arm broken at a 90 degree angle. On that same night, a drug-seeking patient (let’s call him Richard) came into the hospital for the fifth time that month with the same concocted excuse.

While I worked on Richard’s fake ailments, I was unable to alleviate Nancy’s excruciating pain. She suffered with little more than a stuffed animal to comfort her because Richard needed his fix.


Consultation key to smooth road for changes to marijuana laws

With a federal Liberal majority, legalization of marijuana has moved from humorous rhetoric to an inevitable reality.

As many of us are still in post-election shock, we suffer from bias assimilation: the inability to separate how one views an elected official from the decisions that the person makes. That is, could this be a rational decision? It certainly is a departure from the tough-on-crime approach, which has traditionally transcended into votes.


Marijuana in Montreal: How legalization could shake up black market

Former drug squad officer says pot represents 50 per cent of illegal dealings the city

In the final instalment of Daybreak's "Montreal 420" series, a retired Montreal police officer discusses how legalization could change the city's illicit drug trade.

​Philippe Paul spent 28 years with the Montreal Police force, most of that working on the drug and anti-gang squad.

Paul is also an expert witness in narcotics trafficking cases and author of the book Coupable d'etre policier.

Here are key excerpts of his interview with Daybreak host Mike Finnerty.


Colorado Marijuana Tour Freaks Out, Confuses Massachusetts Lawmakers

Massachusetts state senator Jason Lewis during his tour of a Denver-area dispensary. A video and more below.

Last month, we reported about a Colorado marijuana fact-finding mission involving officials from Indio, California.


Bernie Sanders is right: drug companies did help cause the opioid epidemic

At Sunday's Democratic debate, Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-VT) made a point about the harrowing opioid painkiller and heroin epidemic that isn't raised enough: "There is a responsibility on the part of the pharmaceutical industry and the drug companies who are producing all of these drugs and not looking at the consequence of it."


Legal Marijuana: What the First Official Report Says

As a part of its marijuana legalization initiative passed in 2012, I-502, Washington state is required to issue periodic reports on how its ‘experiment’ with cannabis is going.


The Practicality of Illinois' Medical Marijuana Program

By John Schroyer

If anyone knows the Illinois medical cannabis scene, it’s Bob Morgan.

Morgan was designated by former Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn while he was still in workplace to supervise the implementation of the state’s MMJ program, which Quinn signed into law in 2013.

Morgan stepped down from the post in Might 2015and moved into private practice with a Chicago law office.

In his new function, he still works carefully with the marijuana market, however not simply in Illinois– he likewise does consulting deal with business in up-and-coming markets, such as Maryland and Hawaii.


Federal pot legalization process needs to involve Toronto: councillor

As Liberal government looks to undertake the legalization process, a local councillor wants Toronto's voice on the table

Coun. Jim Karygiannis worries the proposed legalization of marijuana could lead to pot shops “growing like weeds” in Toronto neighbourhoods.

So, when newly-minted MP – and former Toronto police chief – Bill Blair and the rest of the Liberal government decide how to regulate the drug, the Karygiannis wants Toronto to have a seat at the table.

The Ward 39 councillor will be moving a motion at city council asking for a municipal representative on the federal task force in charge of Canada’s new pot laws.


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