Marijuana Politics

rand paul

Mother gets a year in prison for ganja

A mother of two was sentenced to one year imprisonment on Monday when she appeared in the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate's Court for ganja-related offences, after she attempted to leave Jamaica with the drug strapped to her body.

Charged with possession of, dealing in, taking steps to export and conspiracy to export ganja is Kayon Foster.

She pleaded guilty to all counts except conspiracy and the court offered no evidence in that regard.

She was held with three pounds of ganja.

Foster was fined $12,350 or six months for possession, $25,500 or six months for dealing and $51,000 or six months, plus 12 months for taking steps to export ganja from Jamaica.

The sentences are to run concurrently.


Some charges dropped for Saskatoon medical marijuana club

SASKATOON – The four employees of an unlicensed medical marijuana dispensary raided by police will face fewer charges in provincial court. All counts related to marijuana oils have been dropped, court heard Wednesday.The Saskatchewan Compassion Club was shut down by the Saskatoon Police Service Oct.


If marijuana were legal in UK, the extra tax take could amount to £1bn a year, says Misha Glenny

Misha Glenny

The terms may no longer be politically correct but western governments continue to wage both a war on terror and a war on drugs. They now need to recognise what is staring them in the face : that the prosecution of the latter makes it impossible to win the former.


Kansas AG puts out statewide call for info on Colorado marijuana

TOPEKA — Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt announced Monday that he has launched a project to collect information from local law enforcement agencies about how marijuana purchased in Colorado is entering Kansas and how it's affecting the state.

“There are numerous and persistent anecdotal accounts of marijuana acquired in Colorado and illegally transported into Kansas causing harm here,” Schmidt said. “But because of technology limits, the confirming data is elusive. Since Colorado’s experiment with legalization is affecting Kansas, we need to know more about what is actually happening here so policymakers can make informed decisions.”


Vancouver, Victoria need clear pot-shop policies: police watchdog

Drug squads in Vancouver and Victoria have discretion on whether to bust illegal marijuana dispensaries, but police boards in those cities should have clear policies on when and why they enforce the federal laws prohibiting such storefront pot sales, says B.C.’s municipal police watchdog.

Police Complaint Commissioner Stan Lowe said in letters to the chairs of both boards that police departments should craft criteria determining which risks to public safety merit raiding a dispensary and that forces should provide detailed explanations of what such a process looks like. The letters, obtained by The Globe and Mail, contain recommendations that are not binding, but Mr. Lowe’s suggestions come as police forces across Canada grapple with a burgeoning number of dispensaries.


Georgia: Details of new medical marijuana bill to be released

ATLANTA -- Only on 11Alive Wednesday, hours before the legislation is filed, Macon Representative, and architect of the bill, Representative Allen Peake, (R) Macon is releasing the details of new medical marijuana legislation set to ignite the 2016 Georgia Legislative Session.

On Monday, Peake will begin to introduce new legislation that builds on House Bill 1 which passed in 2015. "We're treating it like medicine which is the way it ought to be treated," said Peake. The representative is pushing for more patients to have access to medical cannabis, and to allow for highly regulated medical marijuana to be grown in the state.

Currently only eight diseases and illnesses are on the list of approved conditions to qualify for medical cannabis in Georgia.


San Diego rushes to establish rules on marijuana cultivation

A new state law says cities with no medical marijuana cultivation rules by March 1 will permanently cede that authority to the state, but the deadline was a mistake.

A new state law may prompt San Diego to regulate and allow cultivation of medical marijuana within city limits for the first time.

A memo issued last week by Deputy City Atty. Shannon Thomas describes ways the city could regulate growing marijuana, including creation of zoning regulations specific to the drug or simply allowing cultivation in all areas now zoned for agriculture.

The memo also says the city might need to impose a temporary moratorium on cultivation while exploring any new regulations.


Legalizing pot in Canada will run afoul of global treaties, Trudeau warned

Trudeau's plan to legalize, regulate and restrict access to marijuana complicated by treaty obligations

The Liberal government will have to do substantial work on the international stage before it can follow through on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's promise to legalize marijuana, new documents suggest.

That work will have to include figuring out how Canada would comply with three international treaties to which the country is a party, all of which criminalize the possession and production of marijuana.

Trudeau's plan to legalize, regulate and restrict access to marijuana is already proving a complicated and controversial undertaking on the domestic front, in part because it requires working with the provinces.


Legalized Pot Could Revitalize Atlantic City

The Asbury Park Press’ Dec. 24 editorial, “Don’t gamble with marijuana in Atlantic City,” opposing my proposal to bring recreational marijuana to the city only demonstrates the ever-expanding problems with the gaming industry.


NORML Maps Out America's Cannabis Laws

By James McClure

Ever wonder what the lay of the land is in terms of cannabis regulations? More to the point, have you ever tried to figure it out? Let's face it, it's a messy patchwork of laws and regulations countrywide. Luckily NORML has made sense of it for us with an interactive map that tracks the legal framework (or lack thereof) in each state. Here's a map-by-map breakdown of the legal issues they highlighted.

1. States where you don't have to go to jail for possession




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