Medical Cannabis News


Study Shows Cannabinoids May Help With Pathological Tremors

A new study from the Department of Neuroscience at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen, published in Nature Neuroscience and titled “Spinal astroglial cannabinoid receptors control pathological tremor,” shows how cannabis could help those who suffer from pathological tremors. 


N.S. research suggests women may be upping cannabis use to cope with depresion

Nova Scotia investigators looking at women with pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) found that using more cannabis appeared to be a coping motive for dealing with depressed mood before and during menstruation.

The observational study involved using data from the electronic daily diaries of 69 naturally cycling female cannabis users with or without retrospectively identified PMDD over 32 days, notes the research paper in Addiction.


Long-Awaited Study Shows Cannabis Not Very Effective For PTSD

Unfortunately, the results of the latest study do not bode well for the immediate future of cannabis medicine.

Cannabis advocates have been screeching and screaming for the past decade about how marijuana is more effective in taming post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than any other drug known to man. But, a long-awaited, FDA-approved study dedicated to learning more about the efficacy of cannabis against this affliction shows that isn’t necessarily true. It finds that while weed is a safe and commonly used treatment option for those marred by this condition, it isn’t as effective as initially believed.


What You Should Know About Cholesterol, Marijuana And CBD

Heart health is directly tied to overall health and aging. Here’s how CBD and marijuana could impact it.

In 2016, 28.2 million American adults were diagnosed with heart disease with a heart attack occurring every 40 seconds, according to the American Heart Association. As the leading cause of death for men, women and people of most racial and ethnic groups, new research is coming out every year that investigates other methods to eradicate the 1 in every 4 deaths that are heart disease related.


Could Cannabis and CBD Help with OCD? We asked experts

The growing amount of anecdotal and scientific evidence suggesting cannabis can help with anxiety has some people wondering, “Could cannabis also help with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?”


Why medical cannabis packaging poses accessibility challenges and how we can fix it

Opening medical cannabis packaging is complicated and difficult for many patients, and this is intentional.

The Cannabis Act was developed with the purpose of preventing youth access, protecting public health, curbing the illicit market and ensuring the medical stream is not misused. As a result, equity and accessibility often take a backseat.

“Packaging is a physical barrier to access,” says Ashleigh Brown, Founder and CEO of SheCann Cannabis, a community of over 5,000 patients. “We have had patients actually use hacksaws, pliers, or vice grips to get to their medication.”


Medical Cannabis And Long-COVID

Australian medical cannabis company Bod Australia Limited (ASX:BDA) has entered into an agreement with Drug Science UK involving a trial of Bod’s MediCabilis product in managing symptoms associated with long-COVID.

“Long-COVID” is a phenomenon where symptoms continue for weeks or months beyond the initial illness. Far from being isolated cases, it appears long-COVID is quite common; but as with the initial illness the impacts vary patient to patient. Even asymptomatic people who had relatively mild cases are reportedly experiencing long COVID.

At the time of writing, there have been more than 122 million cases of COVID-19 globally. It’s estimated 10% of those testing positive will have symptoms for 12 weeks after diagnosis.


Demystifying Marijuana And Heart Health

With the rise of marijuana legalization, researchers conducted a study to determine if marijuana’s growth and use had any impact on cardiovascular disease.

According to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular disease (CVD) claims more lives each year than all forms of cancer. In 2016 alone, CVDs were responsible for every one out of three deaths in the United States.


Largest Human Trial To Date Will Review Safety Of Full Spectrum Hemp Products

As is the case in the United States, Europe lacks sufficiently reliable scientific data to support the safety of products infused with full spectrum hemp extract.

In January 2019, the European Union (EU) reclassified extracts of cannabis sativa L. and derived products containing cannabinoids, including CBD, as “Novel Food” under the EU Novel Food Catalogue. The reclassification was based on the lack of demonstrated history of human consumption of these extracts and of any product to which they might be added.


Recent Survey Finds Many Parkinson’s Disease Patients Turn to Cannabis

Parkinson’s disease is a condition that affects populations all over the globe. In fact, it is estimated that over 10 million people live with the condition worldwide.

Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative health condition that affects the nerve cells in the brain that control the body’s movement.

The disease is a progressive condition with the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease increasing gradually as time goes by.

The condition received its name via James Parkinson who is a London doctor that first reported symptoms related to the condition in the early 1800s.


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