Recreational Marijuana News


Alberta’s medical cannabis giant will be ‘ready on day one’ of recreational market

Alberta is poised to lead the way when it comes to establishing protocol for a recreational marijuana market, according to the medical marijuana giant Aurora Cannabis – which just happens to be based right here in Cremona.

A recent study from Deloitte Private found in Canada, the potential economic impact of legalized recreational pot is more than $22 billion – if you include things like transportation, licensing fees and security. 


What to know about working in marijuana

Nevada’s recreational marijuana industry is expected to bring $1.1 billion in revenue and up to 40,000 jobs over the next eight years, per a 2016 study from Las Vegas-based RCG Economics. While regulations are still being hashed out by the Legislature and Department of Taxation, marijuana businesses foresee potential employees flocking.

What employers look for

Four local marijuana business owners were surveyed, saying that while the new recreational industry will bring more jobs, demand for those openings at dispensaries, production facilities and testing labs is extremely high.


Bill to legalize recreational marijuana in N.J. set to be unveiled

A state lawmaker on Monday is scheduled to unveil legislation that would legalize, regulate, and tax recreational marijuana in New Jersey. 

State Sen. Nicholas Scutari (D-Union) will formally announce the Democratic-sponsored measure noon at Monday at a news conference at the Statehouse in Trenton.

Medical marijuana is already legal in the state. But if this bill becomes law, New Jersey would become the ninth state to legalize pot -- joining Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington, as well as the District of Columbia.


The evidence Is overwhelming: Cannabis is an exit drug for major addictions, not a gateway drug

It is time for politicians to put to rest the myth that cannabis is a gateway to the use of other controlled substances — a theory that is neither supported by modern science or empirical data. 


NASCAR nixes marijuana-related sponsor for driver; company claims it was approved

The Associated Press reports that NASCAR Monster Energy Cup driver Carl Long's team on Friday had to remove the hood logo for the Colorado-based Veedverks from Long's No. 66 Chevrolet.

A NASCAR spokesman said the logo and sponsorship by Veedverks had not been approved beforehand, which is standard procedure for the sanctioning body.

However, a spokesperson for the Denver-based Veedverks said in a Facebook post that NASCAR had approved the sponsorship.


Nevada's new DUI marijuana testing is improvement but still poses concerns

The state of Nevada is poised to mandate the use blood tests and eliminate urine tests in DUI convictions for marijuana.

Although Washoe County already uses blood tests for pot, the state Senate this week gave the final vote of approval for the testing change for the entire state. Now, this measure only needs the final ‘John Hancock’ from Gov. Brian Sandoval to become law.

The final Senate vote floor vote comes less than two months before the July 1 starting date for sales of legal marijuana for “recreation” across Nevada for everyone 21 and over.


Vermont awaits governor's decision on legalizing pot

States in the Northeast have been undergoing marijuana reform recently with ME and MA legalizing the plant for recreational use last November and states like Rhode Island in talks to legalize it through legislature.

The state Senate on Thursday passed an amended version of a House bill eliminating criminal penalties for possession of three-quarters of an ounce or less.


Maine: City and town leaders grapple with how to regulate recreational marijuana

Across Maine, the knowledge that the sale of recreational marijuana will eventually be legal has many towns and cities bracing for the change.

It’s a daunting task for the local officials who are considering the potential effects of legalization, from the odors that could waft off of growing facilities, to the burden those facilities could place on water and electric systems, to the impaired drivers that could hit the road.


UK: Cannabis should be legalised to protect young people and push criminals out

Some people think the Lib Dems are potty after they unveiled one of the most radical policies of the general election campaign so far.

The party, led by Tim Farron , said it would legalise cannabis and allow it to be sold openly if it wins.

The plan is to “break the grip of criminal gangs” through the creation of a “legal, regulated market” while raising up to £1billion in tax.

So is it more than just a pipe dream?


Marijuana consumption methods - benefits and trade-offs of each approach

Although it’s fair to say that the benefits of marijuana are sometimes a tiny bit over-exaggerated, the fact is that many people suffering with chronic pain or mental health conditions have enjoyed a noticeable improvement in quality of life when using the drug. However, while scientific research does provide evidence supporting the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes, it’s still very much a taboo subject.


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