Recreational Marijuana News


Shining a Feminine Light on Cannabis Liberation

Next month, thanks to entrepreneur and environmental activist Salimeh Tabrizi, M.Ed., more than 900 people will gather in Vancouver, B.C., to give thanks and offer protection to the cannabis plant.


Does Cannabis Boost Athletic Performance? Anecdote Says More Than Science, for Now

In Colorado, we pride ourselves on being physically fit and active.

There is no other state in the union where hiking 14,000-foot mountains is an unexceptional hobby, or where most of the population understands the phrase “baggin’ ’teeners.” On top of being a state filled with trim bodies, we’re also a state full of trim marijuana. But how does recreational weed — a sub- stance typically associated with lazy, pot-bellied stoners eating potato chips on bean bag couches — fit into our self-image of a state filled with sexy hiker bodies with abs as solid as the rocks we climb?


April is Cannabis Awareness Month

As the cannabis culture has taken a turn for the best and 4/20 isn’t just a day to celebrate getting high anymore, April is now officially Cannabis Awareness Month. Mind blown! What does this even mean? It means that all tokes of life can shed light on the many positive aspects of our dear friend, Mary Jane. Why should we love weed? Why shouldn’t we! Let’s take a HIGH-level look through heavy bloodshot eyes as to why dope is the dopest.

Fun Reefer Facts


War on Weed: Homeland Security Secretary Calls Marijuana "A Potentially Dangerous Gateway Drug"

But two days earlier, John Kelly said marijuana was "not a factor" in the war on drugs. Which one does he believe?

On Sunday, Homeland Security secretary John Kelly said marijuana was “not a factor” in the war on drugs. But in a speech today, he described cannabis as a “potentially dangerous gateway drug” and said the drug will play a role in building deportation cases.


Seven Portland Cannabis Trends We’re Excited About Right Now

There’s a lot of cool stuff going on in the Oregon cannabis world right now.

It's been a rough year for the cannabis industry. Between tough new local laws, higher taxes and the appointment of staunchly anti-weed Russian operative Jefferson Beauregard "Jeff" Sessions III as the nation's top lawyer, things are a little…tense.

You know what helps with tension? Weed.

There's a lot of cool stuff going on in the Oregon cannabis world right now.  Here are the seven trends and products we're most stoked about.


7 Reasons Why You Should Try Cannabis Concentrates

Cannabis concentrates are growing in popularity and now make up a significant share of total cannabis sales in legal states.

For instance, in Oregon cannabis concentrates are now responsible for nearly 1 out of every 5 adult use sales.

In the first quarter of 2016, Colorado saw a surge in cannabis concentrates sales with a 125% increase compared to the same time from the prior year.

For those who are unaware, cannabis concentrates are exactly what they sound like - concentrated forms of cannabis.


Report: Selfies Kill 800% More People Than Cannabis In The U.S.

Nothing captured the mindless hysteria of prohibitionists quite like the 1936 film Reefer Madness, where pot users were portrayed killing people, committing suicide and going mad. Eighty-one years later, some people – such as Attorney General Jeff Sessions – still push falsehoods and propaganda about cannabis.

The war on drugs is too profitable to the State and the corporatocracy. Big Pharma funded propaganda campaigns in 2016 as nine states were voting whether to legalize medical and/or recreational cannabis. Thankfully, the propaganda had little effect, as all but one state voted for freedom.


Canadian Teens Say Decision To Legalize Hasn't Changed Their Views On Cannabis

Some teens say their likelihood of using marijuana hasn’t changed since the Liberal government announced details of its legalization plan - though they say it’s made them more aware of information on both sides of the debate.

Government officials announced last week that cannabis would be made legal for recreational use by July 2018, and those aged 18 and over will be able to buy and grow a small amount of the drug for themselves.

But even as marijuana becomes more mainstream, several teens said their opinions about the drug have remained the same.

Julio Gonzales, 19, said he enjoys using marijuana in moderation, and he doesn’t expect that to change - even smoking pot feels less rebellious than it once did.


Canada's Justice Minister Defends Proposed 14-Year Maximum Sentence for Providing Cannabis to Minors

A prison sentence of up to 14 years for providing cannabis to youth is shaping up as one of the early points of contention as the Liberal government prepares to defend its landmark legislation to legalize recreational marijuana.

Bill C-45, the Cannabis Act, makes clear in its opening passages that the main purpose of the legislation is to prevent young people from accessing cannabis.

Those opening statements are backed up with stiff penalties, including imprisonment for up to 14 years for providing marijuana to someone 17 or under.

Federal Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould defended that provision during an interview with CTV’s Question Period, which aired Sunday.


‘Cannabis Has Made Me a Better Parent’: One Mom’s Confession

Postpartum depression (PPD) affects one in nine new mothers. That’s a fact that Los Angeles-based life coach and blogger Celia Behar knew well through her work with clients with PPD — and it made her feel “sort of prepared” for the possibility when she became pregnant with her first child ten years ago.


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