Recreational Marijuana News


Mixing Hemp And Beer (Good Or Bad?)

It’s a scorching day in Denver. You’re at the annual Great American Beer Festival, about to end the parched torment of your mouth with a cool, refreshing first sip of craft beer. It touches your lips and you pull back… what the heck? It tastes like weed! Is this just a particularly skunky brew, or did you just get a taste of a bold new fusion between beer and cannabis?


You Can Lose Your License On The Spot If You Get Caught Driving High In Ontario

Drivers in Ontario who get caught high on drugs can now temporarily lose their driver’s licenses on the spot, courtesy of a new law that went into effect October 2.

If a motorist fails a roadside sobriety test due to drug consumption, they will lose their license for three days – the same consequence for drunk driving. The motorist also has to pay a $180 license reinstatement fee to the provincial government.

"It's great because we now have more tools for us to do our job," Sgt. Kerry Schmidt, spokesperson for the Ontario Provincial Police, Highway Safety Division, told CBC News.


U.S. Pro-Marijuana Campaigners Launch TV Ads Ahead of November Votes

Campaigns to legalize recreational marijuana use in Massachusetts and Maine launched their first television ads on Monday, hoping to boost public awareness and support ahead of November votes on the issue.

The ads began just over a month before Election Day, when voters in five U.S. states will determine whether to legalize the recreational use of the drug, following the lead of Colorado, Washington, Oregon and Alaska, as well as the District of Columbia.

The Massachusetts ads feature Tom Nolan, a former Boston Police Department officer and current professor of criminal justice at Merrimack College, advocating for legalization as a way to better regulate marijuana use.


Grand Designs Has Featured One of New Zealand's First Hemp Homes

Hemp is turning a new leaf in Taranaki, with a house made of the marijuana-like plant featuring on tonight's Grand Designs NZ.

New Plymouth couple Greg Whitham and Gayle Avery wanted to build a rustic French farmhouse-style home for their extended family - and they wanted to do this using hemp.

Whitham and Avery's hemp house.

Whitham and Avery's hemp house.

But being one of the first hemp homes in New Zealand presented numerous challenges, with the results revealed on tonight's episode of the hit TV3 series.


What Does Weed Cost in Your State?

As the tally of states that have legalized adult or medical cannabis use increases, it's becoming easier than ever for consumers – particularly the law-abiding kind – to get their ganja. Still, an ounce of bud can set you back a pretty penny in some areas: D.C.'s $538.92 average price is more than 260% Oregon's, for example. To get a clearer picture of how prices vary across the country, we've put together a reference using Price of Weed data, which compiles anonymous submissions from buyers:


California Marijuana Legalization Faces Unlikely Foe: Growers

Hezekiah Allen is a third-generation marijuana farmer in this Northern California county, where the cool coastal fog pours off the Pacific Ocean, coaxing pot plants to heights of 20 feet.

The executive director of the California Growers Association trade group, Allen has long sought an end to what he calls "prohibition" and has looked forward to a day when he and the thousands of pot farmers here would no longer be outlaws.

But he said he can't bring himself to vote for Proposition 64, a referendum on California's November ballot that would legalize cultivation, sale and recreational use of marijuana.

While pot purveyors might seem to be likely Prop. 64 supporters, Allen's ambivalence is widespread within the industry.


Duby Is the Social Network for the Cannabis Lifestyle

Duby allows users to create content, or "Dubys," which they pass to the people closest to them.

Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you know that cannabis is rapidly becoming a multi-billion dollar industry—in spite of existing regulations. To learn more about the companies fueling this growth, we’ve done a series of profiles of startups, including Strainz, Eaze and Dixie. 


In New Jersey, a Renewed Push to Make Marijuana Legal

With Gov. Christie's surprising reversal on expanding the medical marijuana program comes a new batch of very different bills that would allow recreational cannabis in New Jersey.

Christie is not likely to change his strong opposition to legalization, even though he signed a bill last month allowing patients with post-traumatic stress syndrome to obtain cannabis. It was the first time a mental-health condition was added to the list of qualifying ailments.

But lawmakers say three legalization bills introduced this year would get discussions started, in anticipation of Christie's term ending in 2018.


The latest marijuana craze has users chasing bigger highs through dabbing

Like the viral dance move of the same name, using marijuana by "dabbing" is having a moment.

The latest marijuana-consumption craze has users chasing bigger highs through a process called "flash vaporization." But unlike the dance, marijuana dabbing poses some major health and safety risks, according to both anecdotal evidence and experts, and is illegal in some states.


These States Are the Most Likely to Legalize Marijuana in November

Don't look now, but the November elections are just over five weeks away. In addition to choosing the 45th president of the United States, voters in nine states will decide the fate of marijuana, which has become a front-and-center issue this year.

The expansion of the marijuana industry is impressive in two respects. First, its growth rate is practically unmatched. According to cannabis research firm ArcView, legal marijuana sales could grow at a 30% annual clip between now and 2020, all on account of organic sales growth and legalization by more individual states.


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