Recreational Marijuana News


High-End Dining: Are Marijuana Meals The Next Big Foodie Trend?

"Just as we treat a glass of wine with dinner, this is how I'm treating cannabis—as an accent to the meal."

That's Chris Sayegh describing his approach to cooking. The Los Angeles chef prepares elaborate multicourse dinner menus, with foie gras custard, citrus-cured salmon, and pomegranate sorbet—all infused with cannabis extracts.

Sayegh calls himself "The Herbal Chef," which is, obviously, THC for short. "Everything is subtle," he says, describing his use of weed as if it were thyme. "That way, you can enjoy the entirety of the meal without getting overwhelmed."


What is Obama's daughter smoking? Malia Obama snapped

Malia Obama was caught on video with the rolled-up cigarette at Chicago’s Lollapalooza festival as she danced and twerked along to rap music.

The 18-year-old raised eyebrows by ducking out of the Democratic National Convention with her parents in order to attend the raucous gathering in her hometown.

She was already pictured dancing raunchily, grinding while wearing a skimpy pair of shorts and a tight-fitting boob tube, when the shocking smoking footage emerged.

Jerrdin Selwyn, 18, witnessed the incident and told Radar Online that the smell of weed hung thick in the air.

She said: “I caught Malia smoking pot and I have the pictures to prove it.

“You could smell the marijuana smoke.


West Midlands named nation's cannabis capital - taking crown from London

The West Midlands has been named the nation’s cannabis capital - after taking the crown from London.

A total of 54,711 cannabis plants were seized by West Midlands Police during the 2014/15 financial year, around 2,500 more than the previous year.

The actions of the region’s officers saw them leapfrog their colleagues in the capital in seizing the most plants over the 12-month period.

The Metropolitan Police got their hands on 38,369 plants according to the latest figures, compared with 59,002 the year before.


An in-depth new study shows that the online market for illegal drugs is growing

Undated handout of ecstasy pills, which contain MDMA as their main chemical Thomson Reuters

The market for online sales of illegal drugs has greatly increased in the last three years, according to an in-depth study carried out by RAND Europe.

The study (which we first saw on NBC News) analysed popular "deep web" drug websites that operate on a hidden version of the internet accessible through the Tor web browser.

RAND Europe's study found that the number of transactions on illegal drug sites has tripled since 2013, and revenues have almost doubled.


India: Anti-Cannabis Campaigns Get GIS Push in HP

Despite statewide anti-drug campaigns and cannabis destruction drive, cases of charas seizure have increased in Kullu district. The police department is now taking help of geographic information system (GIS) mapping to locate cannabis fields in Kullu.

Himachal police and narcotics control bureau have marked about 2,500 bigha of land under cannabis cultivation with help of GIS in remote areas of Kullu. Statewide anti-drug campaigns have failed to control the production and smuggling of charas in Himachal Pradesh. Police claim it is not easy to finish this trade within few days but efforts are on to control the production.


Is Stoned Sex Better Than Drunk Sex? Scientists Weighed in on the Debate... And They Appear to Have an Answer

You have been asking this immortal question all your life.

What’s worse – drunk sex or stoned sex? If this is one of those questions you have been asking yourself for a while, scientists apparently have the answer – based on interviews from 24 participants.

Researchers from New York University’s Centre for Drug Use and HIV Research looked at adults who engaged in sex while either drunk on alcohol or high on marijuana.

Based on the information given to them by the participants, they found that, overall, drunk sex is riskier and worse for you than sex while high.


LCBO Trying to Make Sense of Hazy Marijuana Business, Downplaying Revenue: Documents

The possible sale of pot in LCBO stores has bureaucrats trying to make sense of the hazy marijuana business, taking notes on weed’s funky street names and tamping down any government hopes of a cash crop on the scale of booze, documents show.

Internal slides obtained by Global News through freedom of information show the state liquor giant pondering a range of issues surrounding weed retailing as the drug goes from black market to legit commodity under the Trudeau government’s legalization drive.


Time to Stop Blowing Smoke About Legal Pot

We were going to Denver for a wedding and a concert and I wanted to check out the pot scene. The cracks I hear about supporting Gary Johnson for president are mostly about his support for legalizing marijuana.

Colorado and I go way back, to a teenage “coming of age” camping trip with Coors, other “provisions,” and hitch-hiking girls.

It was The Seventies.

My wife and I lived in Denver after our first daughter was born. I was “becoming an Advertising guy” after my first stint in radio; a freshly-minted Yuppie pushing a stroller.

It was the Eighties.


Martha And Snoop Cook, Drink, Turn Up on New VH1 Reality Cooking Series

You’ve seen Snoop bold predictions about the future, Aand even enter the ring with Hulk Hogan. Now, it’s time for Snoop to cook for friends with one of the most influential women in American business: Martha Stewart.

A new VH1 reality show, tentatively titled Martha & Snoop’s Dinner Party, features Stewart and Snoop cooking for friends. Stewart called the show a “redesign” of traditional cooking competition programs.

“At our dinner party, we will exemplify America’s fascination with food, entertaining, and celebrity,” Stewart explained.


Some Ultra-Marathoners Now Swear by Marijuana to Help Their Training

As the cannabis legalization movement continues to grow, so does public education about the long-demonized pot plant. There is an increased understanding of marijuana as being less of a dangerous drug (though the U.S. government still stubbornly classifies  it as such) and more of a potentially beneficial medicinal herb .


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