Recreational Marijuana News


Will 2016 Finally Be the Year of Marijuana in New Hampshire?

Maybe this is the year we finally admit that legalization will happen eventually and just get it over with already.

Another year, another ray of hope that the New Hampshire government will finally wise up and legalize marijuana for recreational use.

Now I’m not saying that marijuana is the greatest thing and can cure all diseases, but using it is a personal choice that adults should be able to make on their own.


Marijuana Dispensary Absorbing Sales Tax, Without Raising Prices


EUGENE, Ore. -- As an Oregon recreational marijuana sales tax goes into effect one pot shop in Eugene has decided to absorb the cost so customers don't have to pay more.


It's a financial burden Co-Owner of Jamaica Joel's Dispensary Travis Higbee is willing to take to keep prices low.


California Would Generate Over One Billion Dollars From Recreational Marijuana Taxes Per Year

I once heard an estimate that half of the marijuana industry in America is located in California. California was the first state to legalize medical marijuana, and while it has yet to legalize recreational marijuana, the medical marijuana industry in California is massive. The black market in California is also massive. According to the California Department of Finance, the taxes that the State of California would generate from a legal, regulated recreational marijuana market would top one billion dollars annually. Per SF Gate:


Marijuana Economics - All Eyes Should Be On The Oregon/Washington Border

There are four states that have legalized recreational marijuana (and D.C.!) so far in America. Those of course are Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and Colorado. Colorado was the first to allow recreational marijuana sales (January 2014), followed by Washington (July 2014), and then Oregon (limited sales began October 2015). Alaska is still working out their rules, and Washington D.C. doesn’t allow sales (just possession, cultivation,and distribution for no consideration).


Kosher-Certified Marijuana is Hitting the Market in 2016

A New York company is preparing to market what it says is the world’s first kosher-certified marijuana.

The Orthodox Union has certified Vireo Health of New York’s non-smokable medical marijuana products, Vireo announced in a news release Wednesday. Vireo is one of five medical marijuana providers selected to participate in a New York state medical marijuana program that goes into effect next month; none of the others will be certified kosher.


Here's How Many People Fatally Overdosed On Marijuana Last Year

With marijuana now legal in some form throughout 23 states, the number of Americans who fatally overdosed on the drug last year was significant: 


Many Power 5 schools easing athlete penalties for marijuana, report says

The newly autonomous Power 5 conferences may have changed the rulebook with cost-of-attendance stipends, but many of the 65 schools also have been lax about penalties for marijuana use by their student-athletes. 

According to The Associated Press, at least one-third of Power 5 conference schools are not punishing athletes as harshly as they were 10 years ago for testing positive for marijuana and other so-called recreational drugs. 


Spate of overdoses prompts call for more education on recreational drugs

The Drug Foundation is calling for more information about recreational drugs to be made available to drug users after a spate of overdoses in Auckland.

Seven overdoses in just 48 hours caught Auckland's emergency services off guard as the unconscious patients were rushed to hospital, including two people found critically ill at an inner city brothel yesterday.

"If our crews see one or two patients at this time of year it's kind of thought of business as usual. But with so many patients being in the critical state that they are, that's the surprise," said St John operations manager Doug Gallagher.


2016: The year of marijuana

2016, in Massachusetts and beyond, will be The Year of Marijuana.

In the Bay State, it all kicks off Wednesday, Jan. 7, when the Secretary of State delivers to the legislature a petition signed by over 64,750 voters calling for a law repealing marijuana prohibition and replacing it with a system of regulation and taxation, similar to how we have handled the alcohol industry since prohibition died in 1933, and how Colorado, Washington, Oregon and Alaska have handled the marijuana industry since voters repealed prohibition in those states.


Christmas Island medical cannabis plan: community expresses concern

Plans to grow Australia's first commercial crop of medical cannabis at Christmas Island have met resistance from some locals, who fear that islanders won't see the financial benefits and drugs may end up in the hands of local youths.

The cannabis proposal is the latest of a series of developments that have raised the ire of Christmas Island residents, who say the controversial detention centre damages efforts to grow the island's tourism industry and a reduction in the frequency of government-contracted planes means mail is frequently delayed.

Australian firm AusCann announced last month it will plant trial medical cannabis crops on Christmas Island, 2600 kilometres northwest of Perth.


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