5 Studies that show Cannabis can treat Spinal Cord Injuries

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Spinal cord injuries can result in some of the most damaging and unbearable side effects possible. Injuries in this area of the body often result in a change, either temporary or permanent to normal motor or sensory function.

A fragile, spaghetti-like plethora of nerves surround the spinal cord, all of which are vital to the human body functioning regularly. When these nerves are compromised, pain, spasticitydepression and many other side effects often occur, leaving the victim in constant need for medical treatment.

Recent studies have indicated that perhaps the most effective treatment for Spinal Cord Injuries and its related side effects is medical marijuana.

1. In a 2010 study, the Department of Medicine at the University of Manitoba, Canada recruited 12 volunteers with spinal injuries to test whether Nabilone, a synthetic cannabinoid alleviated their spasticity. The results concluded that 11 of the 12 subjects showed significant decrease in activity...

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