What Is The Best Way To Smoke Marijuana?

The array of consumption methods available might seem overwhelming if you are new to the cannabis world. How difficult is smoking a joint after all? In fact, it is not that hard, but there are some rules and insider tips to help you consume with confidence- by yourself or with your friends. Have the most important tools like the rolling papers, a light and/or hemp wick and a grinder to have the best experience.
You may not feel comfortable rolling one if you are new. Until you get the hang of rolling your own, head to your lead dispensary for a pre-roll. If you wish to learn how to roll one, however, no worries, you can just search "How to roll a joint" and a multitude of videos on YouTube are readily available. It’s that simple. Now, to the best part, you don’t smoke a joint like a cigarette. You're going to want to roast, meaning that you light the end without inhalation. Turn it slowly over the flame for an even burn. Now you are ready to inhale, try not to "lip" meaning don't moisten the joint with saliva. Rest it on your lip, and then take small inhalations lightly on the joint. Just inhale, pause and exhale after 2 to 3 seconds. You will surely drink some water between hits to soothe your throat. Then repeat to the desired effect you want. If you have had enough and you can relight it later by letting the joint go if you want.
Sharing with Friends
You’d be surprised by the number of etiquettes put into consuming recreational marijuana with your friends but in short “puff, puff, pass”. Or another way of saying it is to take two reasonably long puffs, ash your hit and pass it to your left. No matter who begins the rotation, going to the left (i.e. against the clock) is the traditional universal direction in which to pass a joint. Don't babysit, i.e. take an unnecessarily long time, lip the joint or blow smoke in someone's face to be a more conscientious joint sharer.
The same steps are taken as smoking a joint. So, what's the difference and what's right for you? Blunts are visually fatter and recognised by their brown wrappers. Blunt is also made from using a cigar wrap, then adding and rolling up (whether alone or mixed tobacco). They are bigger and contain tobacco. Blunts isn't for everybody, as the mix has a different kind of high. But it's easy to go tobacco-less blunt in today's market with hemp wraps available.
Sharing with Friends
Follow the joint rules.
There are a variety of cannabis pipes available but for simplicity we will look at the affordable spoon pipe, known as pipe. The first step is to break your weed into little pieces. Your grinder is useful in this case. When you are in a pinch, use your fingers or scissors to pierce the bud, but with a grinder the sensitive trichomes and more longevity can be achieved. Regardless of shape or size, the process of a pipe is quite the same.
Grind the flower to loosen but not too finely. Pack your spoonful section of the pipe - lightly at the bottom and more densely at the top. Get your hemp wick and lighter ready. If there is a small opening (carburetor) cover with your thumb and light the bowl while the pipe is being inhaled. Release your finger from the carburetor when the smoke rolls, so that you get air and inhale the smoke.
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Make sure that the mouthpiece faces the next person when passing the pipe. If it's "cherried," or if it's still lit, let the next person know so they don't relight. Furthermore, don't pass a "cashed" pipe that means it has burnt completely to ash and is not usable. Once more, don't put too much saliva on the pipe.
This is the most confusing of all methods of consumption. Let us therefore go step by step.
First, know the parts of an average bong: mouthpiece, chamber, bowl, downstem, carb (optional). Pour water through the mouthpiece until it reaches one inch above the tip of downstem. Fill the bong bowl with ground cannabis. Get into a comfortable position with the bong. Take a seat near a table or stand so you can set the bong down if you start coughing. Hold the bong with your non-dominant hand. Then, wrap your hand around the smoke chamber or hold the bong from the bottom. Before you light it, make sure you have a good grip. Put your mouth on the mouthpiece. Your lips should be inside the mouthpiece and the rim of the mouthpiece should be pressed against the area around your mouth. With your free hand, light up the lighter. Then slowly inhale. If you are satisfied with the amount of smoke, stop lighting the bowl. Pull the bowl out of the stem and inhale the smoke in the chamber and hold the smoke in your lungs for a few seconds. Then exhale the smoke and place the bowl back in the stem.
Sharing with Friends
Try to corner the bowl when lighting (i.e. lighting one section at the side) so you can leave some for other people. After you hit, simply pass the bong and the lighter to the next person.
Hopefully these tips will help address some confusion, and will make you more comfortable. Smoking cannabis should be relaxing and enjoyable and being familiar can help you have a more comfortable experience. You can check your local Ontario cannabis store to get your started.
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