Montana: Medical marijuana safer than prescription painkillers

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Each year some 300 people in Montana die from prescription drug overdose. Hundreds more become addicted to the strongest opiates developed to date.

To their credit, Attorney General Tim Fox and many health officials are spearheading a drive to reduce those numbers. They have developed a program costing $1.5 million to that end. We do, in fact, have an epidemic on our hands.

However, at the same time, Fox is spending taxpayer dollars to fight to abolish a program that could help stem the tide of prescription painkiller deaths. Namely our once functioning medical marijuana program approved by voter initiative by a margin of 60 percent in 2004.

With the help of a campaign of misinformation, much of that program was dismantled. The courts have since issued a stay on some major portions of that legislation. It is that stay that Fox is fighting in court. Rather than look at a...

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